Released: MD-80

where can i find this update?

She’s flying in FS24 really well, I’m just on FL in my first flight and I haven’t noticed any bugs so far. Performance wise it’s very smooth. I’m so happy to have her back and it took me a while to figure things out again - last time I flew it was 2 months ago and I’ve got a bit rusty and lost the flow smoothness.


That’s why I always write quick start guides for myself so I can actually run through each aircraft without starting from scratch each time. The maddog isn’t too bad though, just switch locations and hydraulics to remember really. I know what I’ll be flying tonight, thanks for letting us know!

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P.S. I’m not on SU1 beta. But I guess it doesn’t matter with this airplane.

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Ahh, only a few more hours of work a quick 6 mile bike ride if it is not a swamp out there, dinner and I too shall be flying this beauty. Thanks for the update, hope the flight goes well.

It is such an underrated add-on, it really is. I will be rusty too.

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Login to their forums

You would of set up a user with your purchase details when you first bought the plane.

A few things to note while Installing the FS2024 beta version of MD82 maddog-

  1. Download EXE from their forum
  2. Install EXE file
  3. Launch Load Manager and register it with your original purchase email/activation code
  4. Close Load Manager
  5. Launch Navigraph Hub
  6. Update FS2024 Maddog and EFB navdata & base sim navdata (if needed)
  7. Launch Load Manager - it will update the nav data in the maddog automatically, if you don’t do this step you will get Navdata not found in FMC message and EFB takeoff perf won’t find the airport
  8. Close Load Manager then launch FS2024

Note: I found one livery (KLM so far) that had all doors and radome open and no way to close any of them, so good luck with finding liveries that work!


Anyone on FS2024(SU1 beta)/MD-82 beta seeing their doors jam ahead of push back when using GSX?
It’s very annoying as you’ve spent 1/2 hr setting aircraft up then GSX won’t and I can’t shut the doors. in fact all doors in EFB are INOP during this phase. It’s like GSX has grabbed control of them but won’t shut them, and won’t hand control back to me to override. I have tried restarting GSX, re-loading passengers, stopping GSX. Nothing works to free up the doors. I’m stuck and have to quit. It doesn’t happen every flight though.

EDIT: never mind, found the solution it’s the beacon lights being turned on prematurely that for some reason renders the door controls INOP.


This has gotten me a few times as well. I think it’s a nice touch. You shouldn’t be opening or closing doors when the beacon lights are on. So it makes sure you do your prefight well.

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Yes, I likely just forgot as the maddog has been parked a while, but when you are testing out a beta for FS2024, it can be confusing as to what is a big or just a lack of memory of the quirks.
One slight annoyance in FS2024 version is that you spawn in walkaround and all the passenger cabin & cockpit lights are on and bright too.
You then do a SHIFT+C to get into the cockpit and all lighs are off/cold & dark as it should be.
Also not enjoying the pilot avatar with head and mic appearing while sat in cockpit view. But it’s early days.

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Let’s hope Asobo listens to many of us and makes this walkaround thing optional. But I don’t have any pilot avatars in the cockpit. First you can disable it in FS24 user settings (via clicking on your profile icon in the top right corner of the main screen) and you can also disable avatars in the Maddog load manager.

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Oh that’s good to know thank you. I don’t want to do it globally in MSFS as some aircraft handle avatars better than others. I hadn’t explored the load manager for that option. This is one of my gripes with the maddog. All this should be togglable via the EFB. Thanks for that though, one more maddog problem I can tick off the list. I’m fed up looking at a digital microphone and a pair of hands!

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If you’re on FS24 check that you have the latest beta. The load manager doesn’t report that there’s a new version available. I found out by curiosity when checking their forum

Fly the Maddog X MSFS2024 OPEN BETA installer 1.2b213 - MSFS2024 Fly the Maddog X: OPEN BETA - Fly the Maddog X Support & Community Forums

I guess the best is to set to follow that topic.


New FS2024 Maddog Beta out : 1.2b214


02/02/2025 - b214:

  • fixed animation issues with various items
  • tuned oil temp
  • increased compatibility with available liveries
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New FS2024 Maddog beta out : 1.2b215


10/02/2025 - b215:

  • fixed pitch down attitude when engaging AP on takeoff
  • improved IAS/VNAV CLB
  • improved GS CAP
  • added setting for engines volume in cockpit