[RELEASED] Miltech Simulations Supercarrier Pro for MSFS

Thanks! I will try both options.

Perhaps deserves its own thread, but

UK Carriers are soon getting “Supercarrier Pro Treatment”


UK Carriers V2 Released!: [Product Release] Miltech Simulations UK Carrier Strike Group V2


Next or updates of Supercarrier Pro or UK Carrier Strike Group ?
Hello again, I want to ask you, are you planning, are you discussing in some of the next updates or updates of Supercarrier Pro or UK Carrier Strike Group to introduce an option for controlling aircraft carriers in free direction from the bridge by the AIR Boss or the ship’s captain. I have the Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Edition game and your 2 purchased products and am waiting for such an update possibly

Currently working on FS24 conversions. Quite a bit of rework is required.

No plans to make the carriers drivable from the bridge - this is not the purpose of this product nor it was ever advertised that way. Making them drivable would essentially break all other functions on the carrier

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So this was very “kindly” streamed to my MSFS2024 install are you saying it is not currently compatible? Is this another one that MS/Asobo stated was “successfully converted” for 24!!

It absolutely is. The product is very much not ready for FS24, and was converted without our approval, unfortunately.

Will require at least a couple more weeks of work as many of the tech it used in FS20 isn’t there/not working as intended in FS24.


I need a WWII carrier
 #justsayin :wink:

Yes, I realize you’ve gotta whole bunch of work on your plate, but, given I can’t help, I figured I’d whine instead

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Those are coming - I promise!
But as you said, incredibly busy over here these days
 So can’t say for sure when, sometime in 2025


Very glad to hear this! I still have my copy of the USS Lexington but it pales in comparison to current products. :slight_smile:

Thinking of getting this addon. What aircraft are best suited to work with it?

The IFT F-14 works very well with it. I have also landed the Just Flight Hawk on it quite a bit.
The most fun goes to the AzurPoly Transall without a doubt though. It is incredibly fun to land and takeoff with that big bird.
All of the above were done with 2020 though.

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Universally compatible with any aircraft, carrier-enabled or not.

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How can I know if an aircraft is carrier enabled? I assume this is the hook and the possibility to use the catapult?

If the aircraft features a tailhook, it is generally carrier-enabled. However, Supercarrier Pro also functions with any aircraft that doesn’t have a tailhook.

Catapult is compatible with any aircraft, and for those aircraft without a tailhook you may use the “Modern Arrestors” function.

Thank you, Just got the addon.

Is there a manual somewhere? I got the addon from Orbx.

We also recommend the following tutorial: https://youtu.be/hyzG2a0whUc?si=nwjpjJ3zGgTEndu0

Thank you.