[RELEASED] Mini-500 | Got Friends

I have a button on my flight stick set to zero all helicopter trim settings. I push this before flying a chopper. It is now part of my handwtitten check list.

When taking off in a real helicopter, (OH58a), I will lift to make the skids “light” then check trim as I lift. If not right, set down and adjust trim.Try again.

Am I wrong or aren’t all trim settings automatically zero’d at the start of every flight in this sim (unless the aircraft explicitly specifies otherwise, e.g. for the Corsair’s takeoff trim)? I have a similar button as well but in the mini-500 I just use it to stop faster when I’m cruising at full speed with pitch trimmed at -100% :slight_smile:

A jOY to fly:

This morning i did a visit to Seville was a great experience with this fantastic heli
my new toy for joy!
Thanks to the developers , its better crafted with more love than my Seville :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah , allways is better on VR :smiley:
Seville in Mini500, awesome xperience

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Released on xbox now and have had a quick testflight and its AMAZING!!!

You have just set the bar for all others!!


I see this was added to the marketplace last night, great news for Xbox users
 Can’t wait to fly it later when I get home from work! :+1:t2:


On xbox, dont fly this with the helicopter gamepad settings, this is true for all helis!
This basically feels like the first true helicopter in this game!
You can actually controll it!
But since the rudder controls is really wrong on the ”helisetting” its much easier to control with the fighterjet setting! You also gain the looking around with the right stick, and loosing the throttle on the right stick doesnt really matter, its easier just tapping the buttons anyway.

Now I wanna buy full helicontrols for this game! But nothing works on cloud :weary:

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Lovely news this is finally available for XBox

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Absolutely love it!


Am I the only one who can’t tell if the indicator lights are on or not? The colour shade is almost the same whether on or off, it’d be great if there could be a bit more of a luminescence difference as these are basically useless to me.

I believe that’s a known bug, and it’ll be sorted out in the next Update from Got Friends.

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I take it you mean other than those not needed on a Mercedes as they have built in right of way?

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Loving this little chopper. Although the range is terrible. My first flight I took off with the default half a tank and was having heaps of fun until I had to make an emergency landing for fuel. I got to the pump with less than 4 pints in the tank! Now I’m filling the tank before every flight.


Adding this to the list of Aircraft that injects itself into Static Traffic. LOVE IT!


Everybody needs to buy this!
Its THE chopper now!
Ok the cabri is also wonderful, so now we have two great choppers in msfs!

But this is still the best!


Let’s put it this way
 I have never flown any other heli in any sim in my 40 years of simming that is so nose heavy on skids up in it’s default state.

Bought this little heli yesterday and i have to say it feels better than the cowan helis using the default Asobo flight model.
It really makes fun to fly this thing, wonder how the real one behaves`?
The cockpit and the Pilot animation is awesome!
Also it has particle effects which do not bring the computer to slideshow.
Well done!


I’m surprised no one has mentioned the horribly obvious and annoying 6 second sound loop.

There is a particular sample that just loops every 6 seconds and it drives me nuts to the point that I cant fly this little beauty for more than 10 mins at a time. It’s a real shame as almost everything about this bird is great.

I don’t particularly like flying helicopters in the sim.

This is important context because I keep flying and enjoying the Mini-500.

I step away, and think, “I wish I was flying the Mini.”

I really don’t know much about flying helicopters because they never really clicked with me before this one but it has me wanting to learn and perfect the art.

What a weird little bird, and Got Friends seems to embrace the weird craft.

For the price, there are very few aircraft as good.

Well done!

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