[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde


to me, really ugly cockpit


I do have to agree, it doesn’t look good. In fact I was surprised of how bad it was.
But if the price is right…


yes but you will have the AH DC3 who looks fantastic in terms of quality details and the Boeing 247D that costs 20€ and the quality it is excellent. I have never been enthusiastic about dc design’s quality of detail. it’s a pity because the plane deserves to be in the hangar but with this visual quality…I’ll pass.


Must agree. The interior looks quite dated visually. Some of the models are really jarringly low poly (like the armrests of the pilots seats) and the main panels of dials, gauges and switches looks kind of flat compared to many FS2020 planes. I guess majority of this doesn’t matter too much when flying but such an iconic plane deserves the best!

I’ll still probably grab it but it’s a “wait for review” rather than “instabuy” now. Hoping some of this is just that it’s not the final product as they keep saying but I doubt much of this visuals will change!


if it is not the final product, there is no need to bring it out now in a few days. It’s better to wait, finish polishing it, improve it and bring out a more decent product later.

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Yeah, really ugly :laughing:

All personal opinion though, Concorde was a 1960s airplane and the cockpit really does look somewhat flat and shabby compared to most modern airliners, although much “busier” due to the sheer volume of analogue gauges. Each to their own. If you’re the kind of simmer who worries about the shape of an armrest, you’re not somebody I’m aiming this product at.


It looks fantastic, mate, both inside and out. I don’t think people realise that this thing was built in the 60’s. And what a flight deck actually looked like back then. They looked dated, very angular, and dull. You’ve captured that perfectly haha.


These dudes probably never saw the real cockpit or the ones in other sims; meh, w/e. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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This looks great inside and out, can’t wait to fly her (though a little intimidating).

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Well it’s fair to say that I don’t yet have the skills to build such a complex airplane and do super-detailed texturing and modeling, but that doesn’t make Concorde’s cockpit ugly. The wonderful thing about our digital age is that things can be upgraded over time, so as I catch up with devs who have been doing this for a living for 20 years or have teams of 20, I can improve all of my products.


This is why people have options, if they don’t like it, they can move on to something else.
I for one am looking forward to the aircraft.
Get the caviar and champagne on ice, we’re about to hit the sky


That screen does look way better than in the video :slight_smile:

When I said flat, I meant the shading/lighting - not the actual shape of the dashboard.

Sorry to specifically mention the armrest. Of course it doesn’t matter but it just jumped out at me in that video - kind of spoils the illusion of this being a “real” virtual aircraft we are in and “it’s just a game” heheh. No offence.

Coincidentally I have been in a real Concorde only 3 weeks ago. I visited the Fleet Arm Air Museum with my son and they have the original BAC prototype there which you can walk through. Amazing! That thing was very “rough and ready” lol. Only 6 passenger seats, the rest lined with testing and monitoring equipment with a few stools for the engineers, loads of oxygen tanks and not much else!

Just watched the promo - looks like a blast to me. Great job, Dean, Jack and team.


Ah I think that might be due to the harsh sunlight much of the video was filmed in, under almost perfectly clear skies. There can be quite a lot of light bloom from that in MSFS which washes things out at times.

A few people have felt that the texturing makes Concorde look too beaten up, and if enough folks think the same, I’ll just change it accordingly. New territory for me at the moment with such a big new audience and so many often conflicting opinions and points of view. Often all we can do is our best, put it out there, and then adjust according to the majority opinion. We never know until a product is launched just what folks will think of it really.


Dean, you continue to amaze with both your talent but also your ability to accept criticism (valid and not-so-much), integrate relevant feedback and adjust/improve as you go along. I’ve yet to be disappointed by any of your MSFS products (and own them all aside from the Stearman), so I’m sure the Concorde will be a gem.

I will also point out that “weathered, painted gray metal” is a REALLY hard texture to get to look just right in this sim. I’ve got a bunch of old warbirds (Milviz Corsair, FI Spit and P-38L, Big Radials Goose …) and all of them have the same general “weathered old metal plane interior” thing going on. In each one, under certain lighting conditions and general brightness levels, they look just like the surfaces in the Concorde cockpit dashboard surrounds. I think it just must be one of the weak spots in the sim’s material graphics rendering engine.


Thanks! To be honest, sometimes I bite back if I feel someone’s being unfair or really inaccurate, but I do understand that every airplane is being matched up to the competition’s finest textures / flight model / features / variants / price / customer support and so on ( and on ). No developer can really do everything in reality, we just work hard and try to get it right, and get better :+1:


Honestly I was expecting better, but as I said if the price is right… and it is.
As other have mentioned maybe it’s the sunlight in the video.
The outside looks good though!

I’m excited just to sit on the runway and spool up those rumbling engines!
Everything else is icing!

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An angled shot in bright sunlight, for balance. I think things look just like Concorde did, but no doubt I’ll improve things over time.