[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: there you go

By the way, regarding the controversy that arose with the operational limitations of the concorde at sea level and the climbing phase, here you have the real chart of the flight envelope.

everyone is free to draw the conclusions they deem appropriate


Is a Simbrief Profil available for the Concorde?

Yes please… :slight_smile:

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There isn’t ! Usually for Concorde you have to use a B747-400.

It’s been awhile since I flew any tubeliners in the sim, and while I’ve used Simbrief to create a flight plan, I’ve never been clear exactly what kind of data goes into a Simbrief profile for a particular plane?

Interesting Plane

You could create your own, not sure how accurate it is, but could maybe start with these settings …


One other thing I noticed about this but have forgotten to mention (nor have I seen others mention) - there’s no rudder animation visible on the model.

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I’ve seen rudder animation (on the ground)

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now I need to learn instrument navigation… no magenta line to follow haha.

could someone share a tutorial on how to upload and set up the airplane for a flight plan

Many people already have. Search above in the thread or on YouTube.

In case anyone is confused by the graphics with the blue lines posted by two users they are related to some theory being endlessly stated on the official discord that the concorde is a low effort skin on top of the f14. It’s patently untrue but certain (and there a lot of them) users will not stop posting about it. You literally cannot mention concorde on the discord without setting them off.


interesting theory, you can tell your friends trying to put the geometry they think is correct and see what happens.



flown around another night, and some more dumb questions…

I followed the startup aid from @CodenameJack447 and it worked like a charm, now after startup I go fly around, and seems the fuel consumption is excessive? going like 700 nm and it gurns from 90% fuel to like 54%, or I shouldn’t cruise at FL370 with afterburner?

Then comes to the handling question, during approach phase, I set the NAV frequence to the ILS frequency, switched to RAD mode, so the ILS showing up properly. but after I set IAS for AT to target at 160 knots, it seems when it goes slow, the plane have an extreme tendency to pitch up and stall, where I could only use manual throttle to safe it, but the IAS goes all the way to 300 to emergency pull up. or during descend I should keep at a higher rate, then pitch up the plane to attitude of 10-13 degrees and maintain descend rate only by IAS and thus throttle?

The old habit of maintaining the IAS and use pitch up and down to control the descend rate seems not working for the concorde

I didn’t know about any Discord trolls to be honest. Clearly, they don’t know what they’re seeing.

What they don’t know is that MSFS cannot model a delta wing :slight_smile: If we put the correct data for Concorde into MSFS, it won’t fly at all and does endless backflips. MSFS will only allow developers to model a straight wing, normal airliner style. So we had to get “creative” to ensure the correct lifting body, ground effect and vortex lift could be simulated. CodenameJack has Concorde flying throughout the flight envelope to within a whisker of the real Concorde’s performance figures.

So, those blue lines could look like a drunk flamingo being chased by a werewolf, it doesn’t matter - Concorde flies like Concorde should. If MSFS gets updated enough that we can input a true delta wing, it’ll be even easier to keep her flying as she should.


Interesting! Thanks for the transparency, I figured it had to do with sim limitations. Hopefully, if delta wings are ever properly implemented, it won’t be too much work to change the flight model.