[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

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It’s normal - Concorde never went straight to FL600 ( and sometimes never got there at all, or to Mach 2. ) Set initial ALT ACQ as 50,000ft, Concorde should make that or close to it in a steady climb. Once there, settle into level flight supercruise ( reheats off ) and balance the CG with fuel transfer if necessary.

Now you can start letting Concorde step-climb gradually to higher altitudes and Mach as she burns off fuel in the flight and gets lighter. Lots of folks are making Mach 2.04 and FL600 too early, using too much power and fuel to do so, and thus running out of fuel too early :slight_smile:

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hey Neil, if you don’t want to mess with cold and dark ctrl+e is the automatic procedure. if you load directly on the runway, everything is started and with a predefined load of fuel for takeoff

LAND is the only button I’ve used once an ILS has been detected. It does track the ILS down to landing. One thing to be aware of in both real life and MSFS is that you should always intercept the ILS beam from below and then start to track it.

There are some great tutorials on You Tube already walking through the process, and showing how to perform an ILS ( even in bad weather and low visibility ). It’s probably easier watching one or two of those as visual-action memory is usually better than reading memory.

With all due respect, I’m very familiar with capturing ILS with other aircraft and have no trouble doing it. I know about capturing the glide slope from below. I know about being at the proper altitude at the FAF.

Now you’re saying that we should never use the GLIDE button, only use the LAND button?

So VORLOC is not important? Because as I’ve already stated, the plan was not capturing LATERAL ILS either.

Wasn’t teaching you to suck eggs or anything. I was saying that it might be better to watch the tutorials as they’re already up and showing how to track ILS for AUTOLAND - it’s easier than typing back and forth when you can just watch somebody doing it as a demo.

GLIDE captures the glideslope, obvs, LAND kicks in the autoland. It does seem though that sometimes aircraft in MSFS still need some manual “encouragement” to maintain centerline when on finals, even with a successful lock onto the ILS beam and GS.

No I understand that. But a lot of people seem to be focusing on the glideslope part and ignoring the fact that it wasn’t tracking the localizer either.

I tried to be as specific as possible in my initial post above. If there is something that I should have activated or something I should have deactivated that was not mentioned, please let me know.

If you need more information, feel free to ask more questions

Full Autopilot and ACFS tutorial

By a professional commercial pilot, this should put you on the right road about the quirks of Concorde’s autopilot and the way it works :+1:

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I’ve already watched that one a few days ago

Guys, there is a definite bug with SU9 and the Concorde - I CANNOT takeoff with afterburners, period. The engines will flame out and die after just a couple seconds. Not just lose thrust - they will completely shut off.

As a workaround, I went into my Controls options and set a manual trigger for Afterburner Toggle. Now, when I go to max power with my HOTAS throttle, the engines go to 88% or whatever and I can rollout and takeoff, albeit more slowly than I should have to. But if I try to use Afterburners at all on the ground, the engines die. Once in flight and climbing, they work normally. But not on the ground.

Additionally, the AP is worse than ever - wanders around like a drunken sailor waaay left and waaay right of the magenta flightplan line, so much so that legs never activate themselves. I resorted to using Direct To each major waypoint. But even then, the plane wandered very far off course and back, and sometimes it wandered so far it was making close to a 90 degree turn to get back, then it would be waay late to turn back on course and vastly overshoot again. The PID values seem very far off for SU9.

I also could not get fuel to transfer out of tanks 9/10 at all. They stayed almost exactly as full as they were to begin with at the start of the flight, and tank 11 never filled up when I tried to move the CG aft after takeoff. I’m clearly either doing something wrong (likely) or SU9 has broken even more stuff in the sim fuel system (also quite possible).

That said, I did manage to climb to FL630 and Mach 2.05 during my cruise down to KMIA, then landed completely manually. It wasn’t pretty - there was about a 10 knot 20 degree crosswind and that huge wing has a LOT of lift at high AOA. But I didn’t crash. :slight_smile: One hour and 32 minutes even with all my farting around with the AP wandering off and back onto course the whole time.

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I have to disagree with you LL. I’ve flown the plane twice now and the auto pilot works perfectly. Also I am easily able to takeoff with afterburner on from the ground or anywhere else. Sounds like you have a problem with your set up, or you didn’t read the manual.

I think you may be depending too much on your HOTAS or key bindings.

Ok, sorry then, I really don’t know what to say. Maybe it’s the airport itself, some are known to be strange when it comes to ILS but as Concorde’s AP and Autoland have been used a lot now by a lot of folks and documented on the tutorials I mentioned and you’ve watched, I am not sure what could be causing your problem.

If a solution or reason does present itself, let us know as if it’s something we can fix, we will :+1:

Have you done it since installing the SU9 Beta? That’s my point - I bought the plane the morning of the release and have flown it several times. But then installed SU9 Beta yesterday and now the afterburners are killing the engines.

Furthermore, I’m not alone in reporting AP issues - see above.

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I don’t see how it could be the airport as I’ve landed at LAX before using ILS on the FBW A320 and the 787 and the 747 and the CRJ and the longitude. They all work fine.

I’m only making guesses really, I don’t have the solution to what you’re seeing I’m afraid.

Oh, if you’re referring to me then I’m only talking about iOS problems. Not the auto pilot in general.

And I apologize I didn’t see you were on the beta. There is a known bug with the Beta, which I saw in a post here earlier today, regarding use of full throttle on any plane. That will probably be a problem for the Concorde until they fix it.

I appreciate the feedback. At least there isn’t anything I am obviously doing wrong.

I can try a few things differently. Even though the frequency for the ILS was loaded in automatically, I can try entering it again manually to see if that makes a difference.

We watching that tutorial video, I notice that he stays in INS mode before capturing the localizer. He is not in heading mode like I was. Can you only capture localizer from INS mode?

I’m not sure to be honest, I so rarely use autopilot on anything so these finer points are things I’m learning myself at the moment to create a comprehensive Interactive Checklist ready for the first Concorde update. I can only say that if he does it, and it works… :slight_smile:

Here’s what’s going on with SU9 Beta and afterburners. So long as I do not engage them manually, I can take off (slowly) and start climbing out. And once flying, the Autothrottles were able to engage them later.

I did a second test, not shown here, and engaged afterburners right after rotation and starting to climb and interestingly, it killed 3 of the 4 engines. Sadly, that was not enough thrust to climb to safety of return to land.

But during my flight to Miami earlier today, I was able to use them - under autothrottle control - during Max Climb to Mach 2 so I dunno.

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