[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

I don’t have SU9 yet so I can’t comment on this. The trouble is if I do upgrade to SU9 and everything is borked, I then can’t fix it either, as it’s broken in SU9. I really do hate these updates that break everything, they should be long past this sort of thing by now.


Just another question, on the checklist in the Descent section, it’s say Cross Feed Valves - Shut but when I shut them my engines shut down

Same here, this and another thing (can’t remember which) that also appears in the descent check list and shuts the engines down. Had this problem during my first flight from EGLL to KJFK, but managed to restart engines quickly and landed pretty good without completing this part of the check list.

Ok so I tested NOT using VOR LOC and ILS capture worked fine. I guess GLIDE is like APPR in the Airbus. In this test I also manually entered the ILS frequency so I don’t know if that mattered.

I approached using INS and switched to GLIDE when I picked up the ILS signal. Now I just have to figure out what to do when approaching using Vectors and there is no INS option.

Of course, that begs the question of what the purpose is for the VOR LOC button…

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I have uploaded to YT a short flight, KNKX-KLAX ILS25L. You will have to wait until it has processed.

Btw, i’m used to flight in Spain and Western-Europe, incredible so bad Framerate when you fly over US. I don’t know if it has something to do with AI traffic


Frame rates in US are great. In Europe they are much worse.

This is really good but it most flights I don’t seem to be able to exceed Mach 1.16 and then in other flights I can go above Mach 2.04 I don’t understand why?

You have to follow the proper climb procedure to get to Mach 2. Also reheat is required to get past 1.5.

I recommend you watch one or more tutorial video to get familiar with the procedure.

Lefty i agree with you, it is the same what happened when that SU update in where we had to spend one night without sleep to solve the screens issue. But being alarmed right now to repair something that is happening in a beta without being sure that it will be released that way, and not being the only plane affected, I don’t know if it would be a useful or useless effort. We have to focus on SU8 right now.

but when the time comes we will act fast. You have my word.


Wow I need some good video tutorials on how to fly Concorde. I’ve studied the manual but still find it extremely complex - just shows how good those pilots were!

I love the add-on, but I’m struggling with the autopilot in particular and getting it to climb using max climb as it often just sort of stops climbing. What am I doing wrong? Do you need to use altitude Aquire at the same time as max climb? Do you cruise with auto throttle on or off? Why does the aircraft not back off when the nose reaches 127 degrees.

Also, I understand the ILS system in Concorde, however I am finding the VOR and other DME rather complicated.

Does anyone know what I can use to open the flight plans included in the folder? I can’t seem to open them and I don’t even know what type of files they are.

Finally, I’m hoping there will be some good videos on fuel management and centre of gravity too.

All I can say though is what a cool model she is!

Tutorials are linked throughout this thread.

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I know but I’m finding they aren’t answering my questions or the plane is behaving differently for me.

I can confirm with Lefty that Concorde gets a quad engine failure on takeoff roll with full throttle and AB in SU9 Beta. The FBW A320 also double engine fails, so hopefully Asobo will get onto it quick and fix the issue for all aircraft before SU9 goes live. For me, I will be rolling back to SU8 until fixed.


I used only TRK/HDG Mode so far and was able to catch the ILS /LOC and GS. But I also entered the ILS NAV Freqency in the selector on the panel and not in the FMS.

So I noticed two things in your video. One is that you were not in TRK HDG like I mentioned in my post. It may be the case that ILS will not capture in TRK HDG.

Second is you have both auto throttle piano keys activated when you only need one. That’s not a big deal but just FYI.

The ILS frequency on the panel is the standby frequency.

Are you sure you were in TRK HDG and not HDG Hold? When you pushed VOR LOC, did TRK HDG stay pressed?

Tried activate glide mode but doesn’t work, I assume if I want to go full manual landing with the e aid of the deviation marker of the yellow arrows I don’t need to activate those? Or I actually need to activate those just not engaging AP and AT

Glide mode does work but it seems to depend what other buttons you had selected at the time.

Can you give more detail?

  • TRKHDG does not override GLIDE or LAND, it is Heading mode without capturing the current heading, but captures the heading set by the selector. If you look closely, I was using Heading HOLD before moving on to RAD and VOR LOC. VOR LOC and GLIDE override HDG if active.

-I know and it has no influence on whether I can capture the GS or not.