[RELEASED] Rara-Avis Sims Pou du Ciel (Flying Flea)

A few screen shots of my upcoming “Flying Flea”

All images are still WIP.

Package will include;

  • 10 different variations
  • 4 different engines
  • 4K PBR textures
  • Custom animations
  • Default Asobo Pilot
  • Custom cameras
  • Linked control surfaces
  • And much more…


Those are some odd looking flying contraptions. Looks like they could be quite a bit of fun. Looking forward to trying them out.
Here’s a wiki page for those like me that have never heard of these flying fleas before. Pretty interesting Mignet Pou-du-Ciel - Wikipedia


Quirky… me like!! :slight_smile:


A view from the office


Nice! Looking forward to flying this. Any release date estimate?

No firm date yet, possibly January.

A very short video of the combustion FX



I started a forum account just to say how excited I am for this. Huge Henri Mignet fan, and as a Light Sport pilot I’ve always wanted to try a pou du ciel. I can’t wait to buy this :slight_smile:

First of all, welcome to the forums !

Your in for a treat then, I’ll hopefully be submitting it to the marketplace after the holidays.


Can’t wait for this! By the way, are the sounds Wwise i hope? I’m just now sure what some custom engine sounds will mean in practice

I’m in the process of learning Wwise at the moment so upon initial release the sounds maybe aliased to other default planes but the pack price will reflect this and a update will be available when the sounds are updated, as I work solo everything takes a lot longer and the sound studios I’ve contacted have a waiting list of about a year. :frowning:


As long as there’s plans to update the sounds, it’s all good! I can only imagine the huge amount of work that it takes to learn and do all this stuff, so it’s understandable if it takes a bit

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Still patiently awaiting this!! Hope development is going well.

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Thanks, I submitted the Flea package to the Marketplace the other day. Lets hope it doesn’t take too long to go through testing.


It can take over a month as they’re backlogged like crazy. I was hoping you’d sell this on other marketplaces as well like you did with the Zippy which I bought from flightsim.to without much fuss.

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Sales on anything other than the MP for me are super low, but I will consider releasing on FS.TO


Yeah, I would consider those other sales incremental to Marketplace, as a lot of the “buy direct” customers avoid Marketplace due to the issues with slow updates and difficult modding planes due to encrypted config files. So even if the sales aren’t huge, a significant chunk of them are likely sales you might not have gotten otherwise.

I would love to buy direct from your site or from Flightsim.to or OrbX, if you’ll consider that.

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I’ve decided to sell through iniBuilds and Just Flight as well as the Marketplace, so all going well it will be available within the next few days.


Here’s a basic manual → Rara-Avis Sims Flying Flea.pdf - Google Drive

Local legend for NZ :stuck_out_tongue: