[RELEASED] Rara-Avis Sims Pou du Ciel (Flying Flea)

Launch trailer

Developer page - Rara-Avis Sims – iniBuilds Store

Product page - Rara-Avis Sims Flying Flea for MSFS – iniBuilds Store


Great! Any idea when JF will be stocking it? :slight_smile:

Very soon, I will update the links when I have confirmation.

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Awesome, has it been submited to MS for the marketplace? I prefere to buy there due to local pricing.

Yes, it’s in the testing phase at the moment. Hopefully won’t be to long.

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Live on Just Flight


Purchased! … and ready to … fly? … survive? … maybe? Not sure what to do in this. So my rudder pedals won’t do anything, right? :slight_smile:

LOL probably all of the above ! no rudder pedals… all on stick :wink:

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I’ll give a post action report if I make it out alive!
New Zealand won’t know what’s hit it :smiley:


Woo finally it’s out! Quite pleased to see it on Just Flight as that’s my preferred store. Taking a Flea up for a flght now. So many fleas to choose from !


I just did my first test flight too (30 mins). This is a great fun little one and looks awesome!

I give it a 9.5 :star: out of 10. :smiley:

Best way I can say it is – most planes within a category (or even across some categories) are like 5-10% different. This thing is like 60% different to anything else. Very quirky and cute!

It’s simple, but does what it does very well. The turning is so unique… its controllable but you kind of have to coax it into turning and it wobbles it’s way around (…plus I’m probably a bad pilot!). Behaves well on the ground and just flows nicely in the air. Great job!!

Really good selection of variants, nice liveries, great sounds (but they could be louder in the cockpit view IMO!) and interesting view out. I like the “hidden” GPS panel (click the sticker logo on the panel) and it can travel really slowly still under control. Got it up quite high too after gradually climbing. Here are some pictures from Queenstown, NZ!

^^ I probably don’t belong at this major airport, huh?

Get the extra 0.5 stars for making it LOUDER in cockpit and there is a bit of a flickering texture issue on the red part of the back wing here behind the pilot… it’s great though - minor points!

EDIT: oh one more thing - not sure if it’s meant to be this way but seems the elevator trim is the opposite way to “normal”?


It does wobble about a lot, especially when moving the stick back to centre. (although I’m also a bad pilot :wink: ) I was pitching up and down wondering how the heck it pitched without elevators but then noticed the whole wing tilting back and forth. What a crazy design. It’s a very unique plane and I’m enjoying it a lot on my first flight.


I can confirm the elevator trim works correctly, so check if you have FSUIPC installed that the reverse trim isn’t checked.

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Nah that’s alight - I’ll leave it!! Makes it even more quirky lol

Can’t go wrong with a big radial

Edit: saw the above posts about trim and just tried elevator trim myself and oddly enough it works fine for me but I am using a trim hat on a joystick not an axis or anything.

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I am using a hat too, and also the “spinner wheel” trim dial on the Logitech Multiswitch panel does the same. So maybe it’s only affecting some variants? I was in the “(Original Design)” one.

Didn’t try the trim in the OG model so could be variant specific or maybe some other weirdness. Took this radial poweered flea up to 12k feet just to see if I could. Could’ve went higher but flying high is boring so heading back down a bit closer to terra firma.


This has to be the weirdest looking and flying aircraft in MSFS, and I mean that in the best possible way. It’s totally unique and so much fun. I’m slowly getting the hang of it =)
And it even does aerobatics =)

Btw. are you planning to bring your Sopwith Pup to MSFS too? I would love to see a few WWI planes in the sim.

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Yes that is weird - I tried the Rotax version and it was normal, then went back to the Original Design one and that was normal this time. I am 100% sure it was flipped the first time though so maybe just a weird MSFS bug. I didn’t change controllers / profiles or anything in between so that is strange. Also when it was flipped, it was much more sensitive. I did a tiny bit of “nose down” trim on the wheel and the nose went UP really a lot, and vice versa. Anyway don’t worry :slight_smile:

Spent a few more flights in it now and I love it!! It’s so much fun.

I love all the small differences on the models and the little extras you can toggle, like this porthole window in the wing! And the exhaust on the Rotax and different instruments in the different variants - a lot of love, care and attention has gone into the making of this. Great stuff - this is a total winner and really great value!!

And yea, that Rotax and the Original can easily do some stunts and loops!

Looking forward to trying them all out!

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Umm, any landing you can walk away from, right? I touched down on the runway,…

Amazing job, @RaraAvisSims! I was looking forward to this since you teased it on Sim-Outhouse, but I wasn’t expecting the amazing variety of airplane variants! Folks, this doesn’t just have multiple liveries, it has a whole bunch of very different variants with different panels, different highly-detailed engines, a variety of landing gear configs, etc. And each of those has a couple of livery variants.

But more important than how it looks (beautiful) is how it flies. And boy, this is a unique and challenging little bird! Takeoff is easy, flying isn’t hard to get used to, but landing… I think I’m going to have to go to KEDW or White Sands dry lake bed for practice until I master this thing!

Also, note that Inibuilds is a couple of bucks cheaper for US users than Just Flight.