[Released] SC Designs F-5E Tiger II

We now have a third F-5, the SC Designs F-5E Tiger II. It’s available at Just Flight and from the in-game Marketplace.

The cockpit looks great, and as with the F-4, there’s a working radar. Just Flight version can be armed with Sidewinders, bombs, drop tanks, and an ACMI pod. There’s a deployable drag chute, too. (Though the tooltips are currently reversed, it works fine.)

Most notable is the flight modeling. It was tested by a T-38 (very similar plane) pilot, and the numbers and handling feel right on from my reading. The only fighter I’ve had the controls of IRL is an F-15D, so I can’t testify on the F-5, it it certainly feels right across various flight regimes.

The paint kit mentioned on the product page isn’t yet in the download (in case you’re looking for it), but I reached out to DC Designs and that should be coming in the first update. I’m looking forward to seeing what the talented repainters can create for this!

Anyway, really nice fighter for $27. Feels amazing in VR!



Love the Mig-28 Livery.

Hard Pass. This video highlights a lot of things wrong with this plane.


I respect all opinions but this post sounded to me like a sales pitch.
Cockpit looks great? Really? It is very low poly, and the textures are really bad. In general all DC/SC designs are graphically quite bad and this is even worst.

Your opinion on the FM on the other hand I’m going to take it as very valuable and it is very good they got the FM right, just a pity that the aircraft looks bad. Deimos version looks better inside and out.

I don’t think this is worh $27, maybe around $10 if you want to enjoy the flying and you don’t care about the cockpit or you have enough ability and filters to make it passable.


2:55 mark of below video:

Well I don’t know, if the OP has flown an F-15 I’m going to trust his evaluation of the flight model more than any youtuber.

On the other hand being a pilot does not make you an authority in graphics and textures so in that regard I think OP is completely wrong and the cockpit looks really bad.


Looks cool. But It’s frustrating at times when there’s multiple of one aircraft on the marketplace but many other ones are nonexistent. Again I say marketplace ie Xbox inclusive.

Here would be my first Impression Video in german language.

I personally don´t find the Textures/Graphics bad at all. there are good in my opinion.
I like the hard springs on the ground which makes the aircraft feel more alive.
I think very fast roll should be able with an aircraft with this little wing area.
Sound is the same as in the F4.
I think it is ok for its price.

I bought my copy and this is my honest opinion).


Sounds are the same as in the F4?
In some initial video they were using the F18 default sounds and claimed the release would be done with a custom sound pack. They just used the F4 sounds? This is a complete joke on the customers.

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Can’t say that I agree with that. It might not be top-tier stuff like Carenado or A2A but I always found their models and textures quite well done. There’s enough payware out there that looks much worse (i.e. Flight Replicas, AeroSachs, Venom Zero, Lionheart …)

When it comes to YT reviews I certainly won’t put my trust into the first one I see - especially since I’ve never heard of the guy. Even though I have to admit: if that’s what the plane is like flying, it’s not good…

Here’s another one from AvAngel

Ok, I will be more precisly - the soundpack file is named “DCDesigns_F4.PC.PCK”. So I assume, it is the same sound.

But I think that the sound of the real aircraft are similar. The engines are very similar (J-79 vs. J85). So it would make sense at least.

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Yup it is the F4, it seems the custom F5 sound pack is on the way but “not there yet” so they used the F4 instead.
I’m puzzled about you liking the cockpit textures because they look pretty bad to me but I guess that is very subjective.

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Do you have the Addon? Or are you only seeing it via youtube? What exactly do you find bad? Resolution? Wear and Tear?



You can tell the YouTube video is credible because the guy is making a surprised face with his mouth open in the thumbnail. All the good YouTubers do that.


I don’t have this one. I do have the F15, F16, Concorde and F4 Phantom from DC designs. In all of them I see low polys in the cockpit and textures that don’t look realistic and don’t even look good. Textures are very even and look plastic. Instruments look default, all of them have similar textures and don’t look very realistic.

Compared to the Heatblur F14 (I was smart not to get that one from DC) there is an enormous difference.

For the Tiger I think I’m going to get Deimos’ version if eventually I want to fly this type but that one isn’t a lot better either.


Besides the fact that the F-5 is a very much different airplane concerning aerodynamic design, weight and size, may I ask how many hours you have on the F-15D and how you got to fly it without flying a jet trainer like the T-38 first?


MSFS and military jets imho is such a bad combination. I use DCS for that.

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Mmh ok. I really dont see bad visual quality here.

But I think you just can not expect HB F14 quality from every other fighter. It is just like expecting fenix quality in every airliner. HB F14 is an positive exception. Even the IFE aircraft from before, can not reach that quality level and I guess not even the tornado will. HB F-14 benifited from already existing high quality material (texture/sounds) I guess. If HB would have had made the F-14 from ground up for the msfs, I guess it wouldn´t have been available for that price.

And not every aircraft that isn´t that same quality as the top tier ones, are bad.
There are definitely bad or better said - low quality - aircraft, but the F-5E is in my opionion not one. It is good quality (visually).

Texures in the cockpit appeare indeed a little flat. But if hat is true for a lot of aircraft.
But if you go close up, you see depth on the surfaces.
Cockpit is not low poly. The gauges are round. What just might look low poly are the cutouts on the inner cockpit. But the rest is absolutely ok. Even the cannopy frame looks more round than on some other aircraft.

I dont want to convince you. I don´t fly all the dcd, scd or cjs aircraft a lot, cause for fighters I myself also use dcs prefarably.
And as you said - it is indeed all very subjective. But here are some screenshots.

Kind Regards


I so rarely visit forums such as this any more unless somebody is really in need of assistance, but this thread was brought to my attention due to the nature of some of the comments.

I will stick to the facts as much as I can;

I think I know the OP, and he’s a former games journalist who was lucky enough to get a three-hour ride in the back seat of an F-15D, during which he spent much time at the controls. At no point did he claim to be a pilot.

The pilot who tested our F-5E ( John, feel free to chime in here if you’re present ) has 1,500 hours on the T-38, and thousands more as a civilian commercial pilot. He spent considerable time with the aircraft - I’ll let his words speak for themselves;

Hi Dean, congratulations on getting the F-5E to the Marketplace! I've been flying the model quite a bit, and it looks awesome, and flies pretty much as I expect the real thing would as compared to my experience on the T-38. It's been a lot of fun. Thanks again for letting me a part of the development of the aircraft, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

Many of the videos claiming a poor flight model, such as the one by Vero, actually display how accurate it is. The F-5E had a roll rate at maximum aileron deflection of an incredible 720 degrees per-second. This manoeuvre was a bold-face prohibited manoeuvre in the real aircraft, due to the Tiger doing exactly what it does in ours - departing due to AoA and adverse yaw. It’s ironic that a flight model that is so accurate can be derided so easily by those who don’t understand what they’re doing, when in fact they’re showing how accurate it is. It’s just more of what we’ve seen from many: “It doesn’t fly the way I want it to, therefore it is wrong.”

There are bugs though, of course. Our oleo extension method isn’t working as well as on the Phantom, and needs refining, and weird sounds are playing on the published version that don’t here. But we’ll figure them out before long and will be bringing out an update soon. Custom sounds, as already mentioned, will follow as soon as Sim Acoustics can get to them. The Marketplace Team has been contacted as it’s not possible for an identical product to perform so differently for differing users - 50% of people love it and see no bugs at all, 50% of people can barely control it.

Textures are personal opinions, not shared by us or others.

I would ask those posting here in such a manner to look back at what they have written and ask themselves whether they had any right to be so aggressive toward the OP, when he never made any claims other than those that were entirely true. ( ETA: that has now been fully resolved ).


I would agree with you. This is an area in which atm MSFS cannot compete. The discrepancy between the fidelity of Military AC in the two sims is for the most part oceans apart.

Unfortunately though in DCS you can’t fly anywhere in the world. Hence why some simers are prepared to accept some pretty tough compromises.