I so rarely visit forums such as this any more unless somebody is really in need of assistance, but this thread was brought to my attention due to the nature of some of the comments.
I will stick to the facts as much as I can;
I think I know the OP, and he’s a former games journalist who was lucky enough to get a three-hour ride in the back seat of an F-15D, during which he spent much time at the controls. At no point did he claim to be a pilot.
The pilot who tested our F-5E ( John, feel free to chime in here if you’re present ) has 1,500 hours on the T-38, and thousands more as a civilian commercial pilot. He spent considerable time with the aircraft - I’ll let his words speak for themselves;
Hi Dean, congratulations on getting the F-5E to the Marketplace! I've been flying the model quite a bit, and it looks awesome, and flies pretty much as I expect the real thing would as compared to my experience on the T-38. It's been a lot of fun. Thanks again for letting me a part of the development of the aircraft, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
Many of the videos claiming a poor flight model, such as the one by Vero, actually display how accurate it is. The F-5E had a roll rate at maximum aileron deflection of an incredible 720 degrees per-second. This manoeuvre was a bold-face prohibited manoeuvre in the real aircraft, due to the Tiger doing exactly what it does in ours - departing due to AoA and adverse yaw. It’s ironic that a flight model that is so accurate can be derided so easily by those who don’t understand what they’re doing, when in fact they’re showing how accurate it is. It’s just more of what we’ve seen from many: “It doesn’t fly the way I want it to, therefore it is wrong.”
There are bugs though, of course. Our oleo extension method isn’t working as well as on the Phantom, and needs refining, and weird sounds are playing on the published version that don’t here. But we’ll figure them out before long and will be bringing out an update soon. Custom sounds, as already mentioned, will follow as soon as Sim Acoustics can get to them. The Marketplace Team has been contacted as it’s not possible for an identical product to perform so differently for differing users - 50% of people love it and see no bugs at all, 50% of people can barely control it.
Textures are personal opinions, not shared by us or others.
I would ask those posting here in such a manner to look back at what they have written and ask themselves whether they had any right to be so aggressive toward the OP, when he never made any claims other than those that were entirely true. ( ETA: that has now been fully resolved ).