[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

the only thing that would make that website better is a way to purchase directly from you , the way some other devs (such as big radials) do on their sites.

i prefer to buy direct from dev when possible in any flight sim , and in MSFS i wont buy from the MP under any circumstances


They toggle on/off with the clipboard in the 35A and 80 standard wheel variants. As nice as it would be to see in multiplayer, adding a new variant for skis would add two more aircraft entries to the selection screen. And itā€™s already at 8 from the 3 there were previously thanks to the SimObject structure changes that Asobo forced in SU11.

Though, the Skis still have altered physics and such, so there is no downside other than it not being synced in multiplayer.

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As someone who never does multiplayer, this is exactly how I like it. Sounds great. Thanks for the info!

Soā€¦. Submitted to marketplace. Whatā€™s the turnaround typically for a product to show up?

1-4 weeks.

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Seriously? I feel silly firing up the game every few hours to check lol.


Marketplace updates weekly on late Thursday afternoon Pacific Standard Time so no need to keep refreshing.

Well, the vision jet was released today on Marketplace.

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Marketplace had some issues last week so they might be publishing things that were meant for last Thursday.

But it is uncommon.

And unheard of for something submitted within the last week.

Thursday at the soonest. Usually the publisher hears from MS a few days out.

I would expect Jonx to post once he knows something.


Keep in mind, Microsoft will also not be doing a Marketplace release on December 22nd. So, Iā€™d say weā€™d be very lucky if release happens in December.

Translations usually take 2-3 weeks to get, usually testing completes within that time. My moneyā€™s on the 29th or 5th. And I say that because the stand-alone version of Forwood Farm was submitted before Wilga, and it was just ingested (waiting in line for testing, translations, etc) yesterday.


ā€œThe Ingestion of Forwood Farmsā€ sounds like the title of a horror flick.


do we have an eta yet? ive just read the manual and OH MY GOD IM SO ā– ā– ā– ā–  EXCITED XD just wanna fly it already!!

My Force Feedback stick is ready :hourglass_flowing_sand: :zap: :smiley:

My wallet is ready, too :dizzy: :moneybag:

Yes, but FlightFX somehow arranged with Microsoft the release, and they knew weeks ahead of time what day that it was going to appear in the marketplace. Got Friends isnā€™t arranging for a specific release date, so it depends on the Microsoft queue, and would go out with the Thursday releases.


And if you guys released it off marketplace you would already counted money before x-mass. Then later on you would release on marketplace and add even more ā€œeddiesā€ :slight_smile:


i believe VJ was ā€œready for releaseā€ on november 22nd, which was a week before its release, Gotfriends werent that fast with their ā€œready for releaseā€

I sit here in the weekend and look hourly in the forum and on the market placeā€¦really a pity, very sadā€¦ :thinking: :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, thatā€™s the sad part. Weā€™d all be flying the Wilga this weekend, if it would be offered anywhere else than the Marketplace. I still donā€™t quite understand why Simmarket, Just Flight etc. can have a product or update up within 24 hours, while it takes the ingame Marketplace roughly 24 days. :wink:

On the last Q&A they said something about having to translate stuff first. But why hold it back for that? Release as is and provide the translation at a later date. So many people are perfectly fine with English only. Iā€™d know, Iā€™m German and I really donā€™t care about a German translation.


I have somewhat different point of view - IF marketplace provides antypiracy features that are unavailable/impossible with other providers then I am all for marketplace!
No matter how cumbersome it is now (it will get better as Asobo directly loose $$$, because of delays), as it is way more important for me to have as many as possible commercial, quality product developers (especially related to gliders) for MSFS.
If developers can with confidence put multilple man-year of work in a product without a fear of it being pirated then we can have better quality products at lower prices.

There are high quality free products made by few dedicated people like Ianā€™s gliders (As33, Ka7, Ls4), but I also wish there is a reliable market for quality products driven by $$$, as we are mostly flooded by free or cheap, half baked 3d toys.

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