[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

Unfortunately, that is not the case, the current encryption offers no benefits at the moment as it has already been cracked. I can certainly understand why devs would prefer to use the Marketplace if it worked properly, but at the moment it’s all a bit of a mess - slow releases, cracked encryption and a clunky interface.


Sad, but probably fixable - hope they’ll improve encryption, rerelease cracked models with new encryption and make cracked versions unflyable.

Official Website Announcement

We have read all of your feedback regarding distribution, and we want to ensure everyone is satisfied with their upcoming purchase.

Starting today, you will notice a new website redesign. All of our past products are now available for direct purchase.

You may also notice a Special Surprise available for sale on the website in the next few days.

Keep in mind that the countdown is referring to the website release only and is not reflective of an official marketplace release. We are still in the dark about that specific timeline.

Thank you all for your dedication and feedback.

  • Jonx & The Friends


We are aware that the countdown timer has been a little intermittent, Official Website Release is December 7th. Cheers!


Really looking forward to it! Fully ready to pay the 35$!

Great info! FINALLY! : ))))))))))))))))))))

Thank you for listening!


Good decision “Friends”!

Not only will you now get more sales, but you’ll have the money in your bank sooner too!

Bonus! I calculated 14th according to that countdown. I’ll hold off posting my own “end of year top 5 aircraft” on my thread, as I hope I’ll be including this!

Website works better on phone now too (portrait and landscape). :+1:


thank you!!! I appreciate it!

This is a real good news !
Now it will be a first day buying.
:+1: :+1: :+1:


I’m very grateful you did that before the Wilga becomes available on the MP.


I hope it won’t be at Pearl Harbor :wink:

Day 1 purchase, thank you Got Friends!


Wow, awesome decision guys! Good to hear the feedback worked. Definitely going to be one of the first in line to get my copy!

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Great news guys but what time does the door open…can’t wait

7:00 CET on Wednesday if I am not mistaken…

Many thanks

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Will it be released on Wednesday the 7th on official marketplace as well as it actually was intended to be a marketplace exclusive?

May some of the official Community Managers could give an official and reasonable statement to this??

Edit: sorry can’t hold that statement back:
If (and what I see right now) the release is splitted and no more exclusive for marketplace, it’s really a good evidence how bad the official marketplace works and MS/Asobo should really rethink their workflow on marketplace and see this as their last chance to quickly do some changes!

Sad for me personally as a Xbox user getting disappointed from Ms/Asobo again!!


Since new add-ons on the Marketplace get released on Tuesdays as far as I’m concerned you probably won’t see the Wilga on the Marketplace this week. In their post on this thread concerning the handoff of the Wilga to Microsoft Jonx mentioned that they get a notification when the add-on is released 2-3 days prior to release. Since Tuesday is tomorrow and we haven’t heard anything from Got Friends it’s highly unlikely that it will be released this week.

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The Marketplace is usually updated Thursday. Still, I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high this week.