[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

it have to be depend of power. just set right fuel tank on the start and still that until balanced. then set both and you’ll ok.

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would you disable rudder and ailerons trims? for now you can trim the bird by those axes
thank you

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Thanks for the confirmation. Since I believe you’re the flight model expert, do you know if Asobo’s flight model allows for setting a kind of base rudder trim? I’m thinking of something like a fixed trim-tab on a Cessna 150 (ground-bendable) that can be adjusted to yield nice straight and level flight at normal cruise. The C-150 also has no flight adjustable rudder trim.

In looking at the Wilga images, I don’t see an actual rudder trim tab, but the effect can be built in with adjusted vertical stabilizer incidence, I think. I’ve glanced through various flight_model.cfgs, but haven’t seen any kind of default rudder trim setting. Is that something you can adjust? I’ve seen some trim_neutral and propwash settings, but it’s not clear. I know very little about the flight model, though :slight_smile:

I’m not saying anything is wrong with the Wilga (having never flown one, I’d have no idea), but do you know if a base rudder trim can be applied (really to any plane using Asobo’s model)? (And I know this may be a bit too low-level or ‘in the weeds’ to discuss here - sorry - please feel free to ignore :slight_smile: ).


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Well, it’s basic physics that apply to all prop airplanes, so he doesn’t really need to fly the plane to provide some info on turning tendencies to people who were wondering. :wink:


Ok, sorry for the super noob question, but tonight I wanted to make a flight near my home town in Québec and I could not ‘‘unfreeze the windows’’. I have set the windshield deice ON, and waited on the tarmac for half an hour with nominal engine setting. It was -5C outside.

Is this plane not suppose to be able to fly in winter time? With ice on the windshield and windows, even with the wiper on, there is no visibility.

Thank you.

Edit: I should add that there were not any precipitation. : )

You mean something like this? :slightly_smiling_face:


I did several landings in rough terrain (alpine terrain, Riverbank etc). I know the camera and there is some suspension I can see. But thats not the point. There is no or “seatofthepants” feedback with this plane regarding touchdown and steering (VR). There are other bushplanes like the recent Beaver or the Kitfox, wich do that very well. I dont know the real thing and it might be like this. I just expected more soft damping with this huge dampers.


Yeah, I had the same issue yesterday. The wiper helped clearing the view forward but the window defroster did absolutely nothing, which is bad when you try to monitor your fuel levels after a longer flight:

:face_with_monocle: :grin:

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I want this plane so badly and I have to wait for marketplace release :frowning:
Hope christmas will come early this year.


“Et le désir s’accroît quand l’effet se recule”
“And the desire increases when the effect recedes”
Pierre Corneille (1606 – 1684)
One of the greatest French author.

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Because he’s probably correct?

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in the real WilGA there is no defrosting of the windows on the sides

That’s fine then, but it didn’t work on the front windows either. If it weren’t for the wiper it would have frosted over completely.

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has only hot air for the windshield nothing more

I think its simply not certified for flying in icing conditions.
You can probably use the defrosting to get rid of some ice on the ground, but not in flight.
I found this Type Acceptance Report from New Zealand ( https://www.aviation.govt.nz/assets/aircraft/type-acceptance-reports/PZL-104_Wilga_35.pdf ) which states:
"…the report classified the aircraft as “Normal/Standard/Passenger approved for VFR/IFR day and night but not for icing conditions“…”

PS: the EASA type certificate ( https://www2.lba.de/data/bb/Flug_u2t/A_061__V03.pdf ) states the same.

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Of course the Wilga is not suited for icing condition. That’s why I avoid flying in fog, clouds at certain temperature.

The problem is that thick ice is accumulating rapidly on the plane when I’m not even flying, nor in any precipitation or foggy weather. It was dry cold yesterday, that’s all. The windshield heater should do the job, but it doesn’t.

I see many picture on the web of Wilga being used in winter. I think Asobo have setup the icing visual logic like this: ok it’s below freezing point, let’s put ice on the plane… I had the same problem with the Just Flight Arrow.

Because I want to have the realism of having ice on the plane and realistic engine behaviour, I don’t want to remove the icing in the assistance setting. SInce I only fly in real live weather, the plane is not usable for now.


: )


I think that as a temporary ‘‘fix’’ workaround, Gotfriends could invisibly link the windshield deicing to affect the cabin heat. (?)

I’ll take a look at this icing stuff. You are indeed correct in your thoughts that when the weather is cold, icing is just thrown on the windshield. I’ll see if we can add some kind of custom link.


Wonderful, thank you for your answer.

Sorry, because I speak French… What do you mean by custom link?

I keep my finger crossed.

For any livery painters interested, the public paint kit is now available!