And I think it’s not even about the ability, it’s about deserving it for creating such a great aircraft.
I’ve only got around to time to install and fly tonight for a bit. But I’ll have my say tomorrow (Hint: it’s going in my end of year Top 5… but where… the suspense!
Call it a business expense. Tax deductible
That should work. You gotta test products in development in VR, right?
And as you can see fellow pilot, even the windshield stay full of ice. : )
I’m also using a Quest 2 and like I’ve mentioned in my initial review, the cursor flicker on the checkbox on the clipboard. The only word that come in my mind to describe this, it’s like ‘‘Z fighting’’. : )
Amazing news everyone, concerning the ice that never melt on the windshield, Got Gravel answered to us in the Discord channel. Here is his announcement :
‘‘No worries guys, just fixed it internally, you’ll have windshield deicing on the first update.
A quality of life feature I think we all want. As mentioned above in real life deicing on the Wilga is rather poor, but … let’s just say we upgraded our cabin heat or something’’
I’m so relieve, thank you to all the team!!!
Thanks TristeCiel, also just confirmed that flicker of the mouse on the Clipboard. I can click the ticks but you may need to try twice. We’re investigating.
In case anyone wonders, and although we’re watching and responding right here as well, our “official” support is on the “got-support” forum channel in the Got Gravel Discord server:
The checklists state that the Oil cooler and the Cylinder head cowls should be closed during landing. Well, I took the Wilga way out of it’s comfort zone this morning to Qatar for a quick pre QF flight across the country and whilst it was raining and 21 DegC at take off in Doha, when landing on the islands to the West side of the country, temps where a little bit warmer. During final approach, having closed the cowls, the engine started cutting out, hunting up and down the rev range. A quick check of remaining fuel showed no issues so rather than check the oil and cylinder head temps (was a bit busy losing altitude!) I just opened up the cowls. Engine revs stabilised and I completed the landing.
I think check list needs to state close cowls if OAT is below a certain value. Qatar proved too hot to handle for the poor old Wilga.
To be honest, I wasn’t too eager to buy it. I’m not really into STOL and taildragger gear is something that I can only tolerate when it comes with a plane that I otherwise totally love.
But I do love older planes, especially if it’s possible to break them, and they have lots of buttons and manual controls that you actually have to use if you want to live through the flight
This one is perfect when it comes to that, plus, everything about it looks great and is done with so much attention to detail, it’s just impossible to not get excited and immersed. It’s definitely one of the few best planes in MSFS today, probably not taking the leading place just because of a missing maintenance or at least persistence feature, which is a real shame, because it would fit a plane like this perfectly.
Still, a 9/10.
You’re right! This is from the original Polish checklist and hence did not take Qatar into account. During descent you should normally indeed close both, since a 4000fpm dive (routinely done in a Wilga when returning to base after towing gliders or dropping paratroopers), will risk cylinder head shock cooling / warping. This we simulated, causing your engine to sputter and then fail if you don’t close your cooling shutters (if you have Engine Realism on).
The other thing is, you still should close them fully when it’s hot but probably only at the last moment. This is to protect the engine from runway/terrain debris.
Either way you’re still required to monitor temps and these things are at the pilot’s discretion. A checklist is not your boss. Good idea about the checklist update, we’ll look into this
That’s really great to hear!
And perhaps perhaps … you never know what we’ll add in the future.
That would be amazing. Is it complicated to do persistent state?
State saving would be fantastic!
That was what I was going to say. I argued with someone about leaning his 172 for takeoff at 1500’. I said the POH states full rich below 3000’. The reality is that a POH in some respects is not a bible and you are the PIC, so judgment is important. Kudos for recognizing a problem and fixing it.
Yeah, on very short runways maximum power and acceleration is more important than the POH.
Do you gents plan on releasing this on* Trying to keep my add-ons relatively centralized if I can…
*As payware, of course…
Time for my impressions – and some pictures at the bottom
I really love it.
It’s everything I hoped for and thankfully the hype and anticipation was justified. I think it’s easily already become my favourite Bush Plane.
There are so many nice touches to the model. Good visibility even with the obstructions. Very nice and easy to fly (in a good, confidence inspiring way), easy to slow down, and easy to land. It feels alive in your hands and you can’t let go of it. I love the feeling of it being something I jump in and go, much like the Freedom Fox but with MUCH more character, more depth and to me a more attractive oldschool rugged creation. You feel part of the machine rather than simply sitting inside and operating it.
It works very well with my Force Feedback stick which adds nicely to the immersion for me.
Sounds are rich and not at all repetitive, with some great subtlety to the layers as you open vents, move flaps and throw the doors off etc. Everything blends together so well from start up to shut down, no jarring or sense that it’s just playing a new sound sample on top - it’s real and organic (the audio is a very important aspect for me, I realise for some it matters much less). I even like the stall bell sound - reminds me of collecting my little boy from school every time it goes off
The way the water paddle works (when engine is off) is great and intuitively controllable.
I feel totally at home in her already and I’ve only flown for a few hours so far! It’s of seriously high quality. Great job GF!
Autopilot went weird once (Logitech multi panel). I was heading 360 on HDG AP and turned the dial left (CCW) to 350 but the plane went hard right and dived down at the same time. It did get to 350 without me taking control manually (luckily I had enough altitude) but no idea why it went the long way around!
Autopilot ALT mode not working (on the Logitech panel I mean), only VS has effect. No big thing as I don’t intend to use Autopilot in her much anyway. Maybe it’s not intended to work.
(I see they are already working on improving this) the landings feel a bit sudden and firm for such a small plane, and the feel on ground is a bit too smooth/regular/lifeless compared to the rest of the feelings you get. There is hardly any P-Factor even in the super-powered one. I don’t know if it feels too easy and “safe” lol. I’ve not once had a nose-over which normally happens to me quite a bit in these kinds of planes that want to take off again when you pull back to get the tail wheel down. This is a GOOD THING though.
Seems the playing of guitar is a bit hit and miss. Not sure what view I should be able to do it from but I’ve only managed to hit a few notes by leaning out of the window with head tracking, but can’t see them all. Using external or showcase view doesn’t work. Is there a trick to this? Manual doesn’t really say how to use it.
…but this package is pretty much perfect and knowing this team, this is only the beginning for the Willy! An Amphibian and Ski version perhaps?
BTW, I think someone already did answer this, but can we clarify, what do the left and right side on this mean? (it’s not in the manual, yes I did RTFM )