Yeah it is a bit spammy, might be best to have it’s own thread in the general or community events section.
Yeah I learned my lesson. Sorry
Just that I had changed the info and wanted to make sure people were aware (and not turn up on the wrong day)
But saying this in itself is now spam, so I better shut my mouth
The engine sound is terrible compared to real life.
LOL. Welcome to the forums? Nice positive first post!
Do you own a Wilga then? Many of us think the sound is awesome. I’ve never stood next to or sat in one though but the whole audio experience is amazing to me.
In RL I think there’s both silenced and unsilenced versions although I don’t know which has been used for the GF Wilga
It’s a silenced one. They recorded a real Wilga, G-BUNC for this. They posted about it earler in the thread.
Building on this - they are also looking for anyone that has access to an unregulated version that can be recorded.
I heard wilga in real life and it’s so much different.
But did you hear one with a silenced/muffled exhaust or not?
Kinda no idea. But it was 35A.
Anyways, is it possible to remove engine cover?
I do not think so. This is possible with the Kitfox of //42.
If it was a 35A then most likely it was unregulated. So yes, it would sound way different. We have been VERY transparent about the sounds on the Wilga 35/80 Series from the start. We made sure that everyone knew the sounds were recorded off of a regulated exhaust.
We are still looking for access to an unregulated Wilga available for sound recording, but this is also a very expensive endeavor. We recently crossed the threshold to pay off the initial sound investment on the Wilga’s soundpack. Considering the Wilga won’t go through another “hype” phase anytime soon, I hardly think we will be sound recording anymore in the Wilga’s lifecyle just due to the cost vs sales.
Maybe you have some real life clips of regulated exhaust, for comparison?
We have many clips, but no recordings of a unregulated exhaust. I wish it was as easy as pulling sounds from a youtube video. However, sounds require depth, proper recording from low - high rpm thresholds, pinpoint accuracy and isolation so it sounds like it’s coming from the right component.
Creating an unregulated soundpack isn’t as easy as pulling some clips off the internet.
Also, the current Wilga soundpack is recorded from G-BUNC and sounds like it’s real life counterpart, which are very much high quality, professionally recorded, and rated very high amongst the community.
Here is a video of our recording session:
The recordings can be heard here:
Like I mentioned, this is a regulated exhaust recording and we don’t plan on recording an unregulated exhaust unless given proper access, funds, and time. This won’t be anytime soon I’m afraid and we will always do our best to update the Wilga in the future. With Ai tools in the future, we may even explore augmented sounds if they live up the expectations needed. This is a very rare aircraft to gain access to and we will try to gain more raw recordings in the future.
Great plane, great sound, great deal, great job!
Thanks for the further explanation.
If you want, i can give you some contacts of aeroclubs in Europe.
Maybe shared before and I don’t know which version this is (standard or not) but I think the sound matches well.
Yep, this is unregulated, you can tell from the “Short Stack” Exhaust System.
Lots of depth with these guys, love the growl. We hope to get a nice unregulated recording in the future to capture this detail!