[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

Does anyone else mainly fly the Wilga with the doors removed ?

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Only when it’s not raining. And sometimes even if it is. :grin:

Not usually, no.

For any day that ends with a y


Can anyone tell me how to get all the intruments working again because on xbox they stopped working they are dark and dead

Had to restart sim to get them back working again

Strange. I noticed this issue today also. Default livery (no others active at all), restarting PC or Sim (multiple times) didn’t change it. Worked 2 weeks ago for sure, and I don’t think I have changed anything much since (although I suppose it must be a mod conflict here, but no idea where to start looking).

I did install the latest PMS50 mod today but even with that disabled it was the same for me. Using the Sky4Sim plugin, and the tablet works but the other things in the 80X all black:


Also weird thing is no matter which livery I picked, it puts me in the default white one. Something has changed this behaviour in the last 2 weeks as I never had these problems anywhere before. :confused:

10 mins later: Ah, I was just about to take a screenshot to show the Sky4Sim working and others black, but my game CTD’d on loading so I rebooted PC, and this time it all works (screens, and livery)… but I had done that before too - how strange!

That will happen when the Xbox or PC begins to run out of memory.

No didnt have ahythjng to do with that it’s a new game bug that after switch a couple times from one aicraft to another you have to restart the sim or this will happen but not with every aircraft

I have an issue mapping the prop lever with the Honeycomb Bravo. As you can see in the screenshot, I have it mapped to the Propeller Axis. This works fine with every other plane in my hangar. With the Wilga, whenever I touch the prop lever, it just instantly decreases to minimum, no matter where I’m at on the axis. Once it’s at minimum, no amount of moving the lever will change it, unless I stop using the Bravo and manually move it using the mouse. How should I have this mapped?

The “Propeller” axis ought to work but try “Propeller 1” and see if that works better. I’ve heard of such compatibility problems…

Strangely, after logging back in to test this, everything works as intended with no changes on my end. I can only assume something went awry during the process of remapping that was fixed upon restarting the sim.

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This may be a stupid question, but when flying the Wilga at higher altitudes should I be paying attention to Manifold Pressure or the throttle percentage pushed in?

Because at 7,600 feet I have the throttle fully open, but MP showing roughly 6. And also, at higher altitudes does it hurt the engine to have the throttle stuck on open for a longer flight?

Manifold Pressure, Mixture, Prop .

Throttle position is irrelevant at altitude. Well aside from during engine start, once started use manifold pressure to guide you.

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Wilga 35/80 Series on Sale!
Website: July 13th - July 31st
Marketplace: July 14th - July 31st

Price: $19.99 (42% Off)


Wow, I barely missed this one. Guess I can snag the 500. It’s all I’m missing.

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On average, pressure normally drops off about 1” Hg per 1000’ of altitude. However, the gauge in the Wilga is in mm/100. The conversion works out to about 25mm per 1000’ of altitude, or 100mm per 4000’.

Taking off at normal, unboosted, standard sea level pressure will usually get you maybe 30-32” MP at most, depending on the aircraft, which, when looking at the Wilga’s gauge works out to about 750-815mm (“7.5” to “8” on the scale) and will likely get down to about 600 “6” when you’re at around 8000’ pressure altitude. With a normally-aspirated engine, you will likely need to be wide open throttle before that point to maintain enough MP to sustain a climb. In the aircraft I fly, we’re generally WOT throughout the climb regardless.

You will also need to reduce the mixture during the climb, once you get above 3 to 5000’ MSL (not sure what the specific POH recommendation is, but that’s a general rule of thumb), aiming for peak EGT or whatever is recommended by the manufacturer, while also being mindful of engine cooling and wear.

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I love the graphics of your sale picture! Well done.

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Fantastic. Thank you.

Has anyone figured out the mixture control? I touched it with the mouse (floats version), and I went down like a rock.

Means you have it connected to your hardware somewhere. Check your settings and see what your using for Hardware. I’m “assuming” one of your HOTAS sliders or knobs are attached to the mixture axis and you don’t realize it.

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I have nothing mapped to Mixture Axis. I have a knob mapped to Increase Mixture and Decrease Mixture, but these don’t work. They work for all my other modules that have mixture control.
This was in the 35H. I’ll try again with the 80H.
Same behavior in the 80H. I switched my controls to map Mixture axis to one of my axis controls, but it either goes to full rich or idle cutoff. There is no in between.
Okay, I set the control axis to map to mixture axis -100% to 100%, and it’s working now.
Update, I moved the mapping to a different control axis, and now I can’t get it to work.

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