[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

If the wiper switch is on I can use this code to turn the wiper on and off:


However, that code cannot flip the switch itself.
I think it needs a new lvar to work properly.

Thanks, one step closer. But I really would like to map it to one of my physical switches, no mouse involved.
A lvar would be awsome.

By the way, does anyone know what the switch “Turn indic.” does? It toggles the LVAR:TURNBANKSWITCH variable, but I cant see it making any difference in cockpit.

Wilga tow

Cool video I found. He runs through the startup etc.

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Been a while since I drove the Wilga but I recently jumped back in and fell in love all over again.


Am I going crazy or does changing your point of view affect the flight controls??

I feel nuts even typing this but if I have the Wilga trimmed nice and level then tilt the view down via mouselook, I can watch the VSI plummet. Bringing the view back to normal will return the aircraft to level flight.

I watched all my controls in SPAD and I’m not seeing anything (ie - trim, elevator axis, etc) getting triggered when altering the view.

Tomorrow I’ll do more thorough troubleshooting and maybe get a video…unless someone confirms that this is a known thing. EDIT: I have version 1.0.9, which appears to be the latest from the GF website.

I did a quick search in this thread and nothing jumped out at me but maybe I wasn’t putting in the right keywords.

Here’s a poor attempt at a quick video of what’s happening.

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Anyone else occasionally get
unresponsive throttle and (sometimes) mixture or prop? Throttle controls don’t work and the fix is to restart. This bug has been rearing its head today and I thought it was no longer an issue.

Yep, I’ve occasionally seen that too.

If the functions are bound to hardware (ie - Bravo) it’ll still work but the animations are frozen.

I’m not really getting it. You’re saying when you look down with mouse, the plane is pitching down. When you look back up to centre it levels out. If you look up with mouse the plane would pitch nose-up etc?

Does iit happen if you use another method to look around? Joypad? Seems like a double bind going on though. I can hear a click noise when you look down like it’s adjusting another cockpit control? Trim?

Yes sometimes. But as @rottenbk says it’s just the animations that stop working. The functions still happen and yes a restart flight usually fixes it. Sometimes get black screens too. It is a core MSFS bug but Wilma seems more prone and sensitive to it for some reason.

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Yeah it seems only elevator related: looking up will climb, looking down will dive, but looking to the side doesn’t roll.

The clicking in the background is just me clumsily trying to hold my phone while working the sim.

Happens when using my Tobii Eye Tracker, or the mouse.

EDIT: More testing:

Kept all my normal flight control stuff unplugged and shut off. No Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo, no Tobii Eye tracker. Made sure SPAD wasn’t running. Keyboard and mouse only.

Launched MSFS, went to controls settings and confirmed that there’s nothing but camera movements assigned to the mouse.

Jumped into the Wilga, set up to start midair in the middle of the ocean, 1500ft. Once in the flight, I engaged the AP and let the Wilga stabilize in a happy cruise. Then I turn off the AP and note that it stays level in pitch. I’ll change my view with right-click (making sure to click in an open area and not accidentally engage a control) and move the mouse. As I move the view to the floor I can see the VSI indicate a dive, and the altimeter is showing that I’m losing altitude. Bringing the view back will return to level flight. Just as in my video above.

Afterwards I repeated the above but this time in the JPL 152. Moving the view did not affect the aircraft. It was a bit harder to set up but I can confirm that the A2A Comanche also does not get affected by changing the view.

With no extra peripherals plugged in, and no SPAD or other similar software running, the only button assignments should be through the MSFS controls settings, correct? So if it was a double binding somewhere, it should be the same for all aircraft?

To be clear, I’m not ruling out something weird on my end, I’m just trying to figure this out and was wondering if someone else could test.

EDIT 2: The Final Edit…?

After redownloading and reinstalling the Wilga, it seems everything works as expected now??


EDIT 3: Nope!

Time for more troubleshooting - must be a mod conflict happening somewhere.


Thx all for some reason I thought this was fixed.

Getting this thing down into Sharktooth Ridge is harder than I remember! Taking off from Bushplane Campout was a struggle too. I don’t remember the last time I crashed in MSFS, But I crashed on takeoff twice due to torque And landing at shark tooth took me three tries.

In fairness, I hadn’t flown the Wilga
since February, when my dog destroyed my throttlebody

Physically unpluggeed ok, but is the software for it running ? Should be not launched.
What happens if you bind the Up/Dwn view to another device than the mouse ?

Try with an empty community folder (except the Wilga, of course).

Yeah I should have mentioned that all of this testing has been done with empty community folder, gone through mods one by one, no Tobii services running, buttons and functions reassigned, checked legacy vs modern flight model, etc etc etc

AKA the standard troubleshooting procedure

At one point I thought I had it figured out but that was only the one flight and I might have been too quick with my routine. There was another moment where I thought maybe moving the pov was somehow pushing the cog fore and aft, but that doesn’t seem to be the case either.

Flying holes in the sky in dev mode watching variables didn’t really show me anything either but I’m far from an expert when it comes to that sort of thing.

Since no one has explicitly said that they tested this, I’m going to assume it’s something on my end and I’ll stop flooding this thread with my head scratching.

If/when I find something, I’ll post my solution.

Cheers everyone.

I’ll explicitly test it in a bit for ya but I think the answer is indeed going to point back to something really weird going on at your end. I’ve put enough hours in with Wilma to have noticed this or have it happen to me if it was something more widespread. Really bizarre.

Just to clarify, I think you said before but is it the 35P variant? Or it’s happening in all? Basically what one do you want me to test?

Three questions that come to my mind:

  • does it happen in outside view?
  • if yes, does the elevator move?
  • or is it rather elevator trim that’s affected?

What exactly are your mouse bindings? I will give it a try with my Wilga.

Made a little video below. Using the 80X. Bear in mind I use a FFB2 stick so there isn’t really a centre spring when I let go (hands-off) so this is the best I could get it levelled. But it’s enough to show there is no connection between mouse-look and the pitch here. I use Tobii too. I am using either Right-click to zoom and pan, or later I use middle mouse wheel click to toggle between interaction mode and free-look mode. Do you have the same setup as that?

At the end of the video I show my control settings for mouse and the main “Controls” page in Options. Perhaps compare yours and see if you have anything remarkably different. Let me know if you want a screenshot of any other controls settings that I may have missed.

See it here


I’m in the 80P but my problem persists in every model. But only the Wilga! All other aircraft work fine.

I agree - such a bizarre issue.

Your setup regarding mouse-look is exactly how I have it set - hold right-click to freelook, or use middle mouse button to toggle between interactive and freelook. I can find no other commands bound to the mouse, certainly nothing attached to flight controls.

@kaha300d good call on the external camera. I couldn’t see any of the flight controls moving (either in the air or on the ground). But the issue does persist in external view.

Here’s the best video I think I can get:

Test conditions:

  • Nothing in community folder, except Wilga
  • No external devices connected, no services running (ie - no Tobii, SPAD, etc)
  • Exe.xml checked to ensure nothing extra was getting run (ie - no A2A Accusim, etc)
  • Keyboard and Mouse settings in MSFS set to Default, no other devices present
  • Choose flight location in the middle of the ocean, 1500 ft, clear skies
  • When loaded into flight, bring throttle up and engage autopilot to ensure level flight
  • Disengage autopilot and let Wilga cruise for a bit
  • Use Mouse Freelook to bring the POV down to the floor
  • Watch VSI indicate dive, altimeter reading drops
  • Bring POV back to level, VSI returns (and overshoots due to increased speed from dive)
  • Repeat a couple times

Tough to see but as far as I could tell the control stick and the trim wheel are not moving. Which at one point got me wondering if the CoG was somehow shifting way forward.

Or my beer belly pushing against the stick as I lean over! :smiley: :beers:

EDIT: I should note that if I quickly glance down and back, the VSI doesn’t move. It only seems to happen during smooth and calm changes in the POV, or staying head down for a little while (like when trying to play with the fuel selector on the 80P)

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This is doing my head in :exploding_head: …and I know it’s doing yours even more. It is SO strange!

If you look down even more, does it drop off faster? As in, is it like an analogue / linear thing that the more you look down, the faster it goes nose down?

And exactly same behaviour for looking up?

It’s almost like the Centre of Gravity is shifting with your looking around, as it’s not a HUGE amount of pitch change - enough to go VS- of course but the horizon isn’t going SOO far away from middle.

I think I am pretty much out of ideas! Let’s hope Jonx or GotGravel comes by and has a look?!


Right? It’s a weird one for sure.

At the end of the day, it’s not that big of a deal because it doesn’t really affect how I fly the Wilga - busting along slow and low, head out of the cockpit and not paying too close attention to the instruments. There’s plenty of other aircraft out there that are better for straight and level cruising and thankfully those aren’t affected by this issue.

But now it’s turned into one of those itchy “problems” that I can’t leave alone!

I agree that it almost seems like a CoG issue, rather than a flight control issue. I poked around in Dev Mode a little, and will do some more today, but yes I would really like to read what Jonx and GotGravel have to say. Or even pointers at where to look so maybe I can fix whatever is going on in my end.

Thanks for playing along, @Baracus250, cheers.

Great stuff, looking very polished, I suppose this one does not come with a cat? :joy: