[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

Probably a k-event. Look up the command via dev mode, behavior and the specific toggle. See the code.

Sounds like I have to do some study on k-events. Not sure how they work. Furthermore, I entered devs mode and Behaviors, but Im not sure what Im looking for. I find a WIPER_BLADES_TEMPLATE, with what looks like the code running the wipers. There are some (O:) variables (local?), but what exactly am I supposed to look for? I would need to be pushed in the right direction here.

Either one of these should work for your use case.
Aircraft Electrical Events (flightsimulator.com)


For a toggle use a pull chain ceiling mount light switch.

For multiposition flaps get something like this, 3 D print a mount, and add a long handle instead of a knob.

Im not sure what Im doing wrong.

From SPAD Im sending the ELECTRICAL_BUS_TO_CIRCUIT_CONNECTION_TOGGLE event with the params 1, 6 (bus, circuit). But nothing happens. Same with ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE and param 6.

Every other event sent is working, so no connection issue.

This is all we are doing:

		<Component ID="WIPER_SWITCH" 									Node="SWITCH_WIPER">
			<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ELECTRICAL_Switch_Breaker_Template">

Just sending a signal and setting it through the Circuit Breaker

circuit.6  = Type:CIRCUIT_XML:1						#Connections:bus.1		#Power:15, 30, 20.0			#Name:Wipers
circuit.7  = Type:CIRCUIT_XML:2						#Connections:bus.1		#Power:15, 30, 20.0			#Name:Wipers_Park_Motor

I am not sure what to do more. Sending

You ar mentioning circuit 7 along with 6. Should I interact with that one too?


I haven’t flown the Wilga in a while, let me go investigate this personally today and see if I can find a viable solution. If I can’t, I’ll recode it to be a LVar for another update.


 it’s a crime!

I’ve called these guys - they coming for you!

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The Wilga needs a Flintstones livery pack.


Yea it definitely does. I seem to remember @twoseventy270 promising that!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is an excellent idea!

Thank you. Very much appreciated. :slight_smile:
Getting a LVAR would be really nice.

Got this one in the mail today. Will rebuild it to become a flaps handle. Removed the spring and got a nice resistance when moving it, without having it rebouncing. But I need to exapand its turning range, and add some micro switches to trigger the flaps stages.


Love it :green_heart: (jealous heart :rofl: )

What is it? Touring car / WTCC sim shifter?

It is a handbrake for sim racing.

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If it’s a handbrake, I guess the lever drives a potentiometer.
In this case, no need to add switches for flaps stages.
Simply bind it to “Flaps Axis” (NOT the one with “0 to 100%”).
And verify if you need to check the “Reverse Axis” box.
Perhaps you’ll need to adjust sensitivity and/or other settings for this axis, but it will be less work than adding switches.
And with switches you’ll be limited to X positions defined by the number of switches.
With binding to “Flaps Axis” it will work with any plane, even with the An-2 wich have eight stages.

Well, yeah. It is using a hall sensor (measuring magnetics). But it is only indicating on half the arms movement range and alot worse now when ive extended the arms movement range. So either I need to find another magnet with the right measure (best solution, but might be hard to find) or I could install four micro controllers (or, ofcourse, a potentiometer like you suggest, might be a better solution like you say) Though, Ill give it a try to find a suitable magnet first.

I didn’t suggest installing a potentiometer (especially a bad ordinary standard pot), but to use this one.
A Hall-effect sensor is already a pot, much improved. It’s perfect.
IMHO, replacing the magnet won’t solve the problem, because the amplitude depends on the reading and restitution made by the electronics behind the sensor.

The first thing to do is to calibrate the lever under Windows, like an ordinary joystick.
If you don’t have the full range under Windows, you won’t have it in MSFS.
To do this, run joy.cpl
If for some reason it’s not available, use DIView.exe for Windows calibration.
Available here:

After calibration under Windows, restart MSFS and check the movement range (don’t forget to re-initialize the settings for this axis).

Ok, you are propably right about the hall sensor. Ill do some tests and see how it behaves.
Regarding lever movement, just by removing the upper part I get double movement range on the lever. And I really want that. So I will propably need to reconfigure or swap the sensor for something else. Else I think ill get large dead zones in the lever range extremes.

Though, Ill take you suggestion and check the range in Windows before starting to rebuild.