[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

If you started cold and dark you probably didn’t let it warm up enough first?

hope we can expect ai gliders towing fixed…


That’s good to hear. For now I’ve adjusted my rudder curves to give me more precision on the low end. Might be too slow for other aircraft but it works for the Wilga.

In terms of linear curves I would expect the Wilga to behave more like Ant’s Winjeel. It’s a bit heavier than the Wilga but of comparable size. You really feel that you are moving a ton and a half of aircraft with that one.

Probably, if you keep temps on the green you’ll be fine. It needs a little bit to warm up, maybe 3-4 minutes if ex. temperature is cold. Way less time if it is hot. Also while descending for land is better to close a little bit the cowls cause you risk a thermal shock if temp goes down too quickly. Love this bird, still a bush/STOL plane but it offers quite a different experience.

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This is a great argument for SPAD.NeXT (and I assume A&O and MobiFlight) since it lets you create custom axis curves on a per aircraft basis.

As far as I remember Gotfriends as do most devs model performance with linear curves, that should mean once your controllers are acting correctly then custom curves aren’t needed.

When can the Wilga finally be used as a AI tow plane again? At the moment it is too fast at takeoff and climbs too steeply, while the glider does not yet have enough speed to take off. Not a single glider works in tow, not even your Discus glider… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


It’s been reported to gotfriends (sent video) and they can replicate so I guess a fix is in the works, thing is IMO it likely needs Asobo attention too and they are kind of busy with FS2024. Maybe the tow function is getting a complete revamp which would delay things somewhat.

The tow system overall is borked. Not even the default 172 works properly, as it just likes to take a nosedive shortly after takeoff. The default gliders also can’t even seem to be winch launched.

I played around with the tow parameters one evening and came to the conclusion that they seemingly have no affect on the flight behavior of the tow. Some default parameters that Asobo include also don’t even seem to be implemented.

It definitely needs core attention from Asobo, but will also probably require a new separate flight model from Got Friends (one which is more dumbed down to keep the AI within limits).

As mentioned, the team is really busy with 2024 contract obligations at the moment. There is no getting around that. Rest assured that it will be addressed. Absolute worse case, I know they are planning product overhauls for 2024, and hopefully the glider system will be much more fleshed out.


OK. But until recently it worked quite well and was at least usable. But now it is absolutely impossible to use the Wilga as a tow plane… What did Asobo or Got Friends change and when?

I found wind direction to be the biggest factor
If the wind is pointing very close to directly into the runway, it seems to work ok. Add a crosswind component, and it starts failing more and more.

There have been several tweaks to the Wilga’s flight model over the last year addressing various issues that have popped up over sim updates and etc. It could be a side-effect of one of those changes or some other tweak to the sim itself.

I’m not sure exactly when the issue started, so I think it’s anyone’s guess. I know it has been that way for several months at least.

Main thing is that they are aware and now have an idea of what needs to be done.

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I did not buy it for this kind of experience.
I want my money back.

Patience required. Got-Friends are aware of the issue. According to their devs the Wilga range are getting a full rework in anticipation of MSFS2024 and say this will be fixed. Hopefully we won’t have to wait till November.

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Are you saying you purchased the Wilga solely to use it as a tow plane?


Just offhand – would you happen to know if that functionality (custom axis curves per aircraft) will be built-into MSFS2024?

That was more than half of the reason I purchased it.
I do plan to fly with Wilga, but still to my dismay.

From what I remember, the overhaul wont happen until 2024 is out, but they are hoping to have a patch out before then. I mentioned in my previous post that the fix coming in the 2024 overhaul would be the absolute worse-case if all else fails and they cannot find the time around contracts.

For anyone who are not aware: Got Friends are slammed with Microsoft contracts for 2024 at the moment. Deadlines which have to be met. They will get to updates as they can, as they have a few times this year already.

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Understood and thanks for the feedback.

In the meantime the xcub is a suitable replacement. Make sure you know what you are doing when modding aircraft and always back up original Cfg files beforehand.