Have you checked out the website? The last post I saw there was he had been working with someone on development of the original radios used in the aircraft, which he was pretty excited about.
This is looking tasty, the small details, the 3D model. Can’t wait to try and fail a cold start multiple times.
Are there any estimated release dates? I think last I heard was sometime early next year (2022).
I can’t get their web page to load properly.
It’s been down for hours
hmmmm this is purely speculation but perhaps gearing up for increased server load
Let’s hope so!
Site now updated with Maintenance notice!
Nice to see things stirring!
Sorry for the wait, I’m still putting crazy hours into the project and as usual for me in this time, I tend to neglect communication to focus on the add-on. The website issues were merely a coincidence - one of the last updates of a plugin screwed up the layout and function of the site - everything should be back to normal now.
Here’s a heads-up of what happened in the past two months.
A lot of new features have been ticked off the to-do list, some of which I wrote about in my blog. The radio range navigation is an amazing addition to the add-on and it took us a long time to get it fully integrated, mostly because generating the sound is quite a challenge.
The implementation of our in-house “Prop-o-Tronic” physics engine into MSFS has been a success and a lot of things about the systems I was unhappy before are now resolved.
The electrical system is now complete, with custom algorithms to bypass the wrong behavior of the sim. We have working melting-type fuses that can blow and disable vital components of your aircraft - it is especially annoying if the gear motor fuse blows during approach.
The new oil system is complete too - also bypassing MSFS, because a lot of things are simply not simulated correctly. We’re now simulating the oil flow through around 60 different parts of the aircraft, with real-time calculations of temperature, pressure, viscosity, oxidation and other such parameters. Make sure to top up your oil before your next flight, and choose the right oil for the right temperature.
The aircraft state is now persistent from session to session. This includes all the levers and switches in the cockpit, as well as the fuel and oil levels in your tanks, ground equipment, etc.
We have working prop-feathering, with an implementation of the real-world system. The tricky part about feathering a piston-engine propeller is the fact that the prop hub needs high-pressure oil to shift the blades into the feathered position. For the 247D, the pressure is provided by two electrical pumps that can be turned on with the feathering buttons in the cockpit. A lot of thought went into making this system work as intended.
Those are just the major additions that saw the light in the past few weeks. On top of that, we added a lot of smaller details, like the lights dimming when the battery voltage goes down, new interior colors for some of the liveries, portraits and status updates of your ground crew when they’re at work, “chargeable” radium-luminescent instrument paints, etc. etc. etc.
I know I said this many times before, but… we’re close!
I have one more feature on my list that needs to be finished, we still have a lot to do when it comes to the sound pack, the manual needs to be more complete (pushing 40 pages as of right now) and there’s some remaining bugs on our list.
Hang in there! She’s coming!
- Otmar
P3D/FSX Vega
And just one last comment about the Vega: all the points raised above have been addressed numerous times in many different places. This is not the right spot for it. She’s an incredible add-on as she is right now and the asking price has always been reflective of the features that are presently working.
Really looking forward to using the radio range navigation. I looked at the mod the dev put out a while back but I was kind of put off by it running in an external app so having it built into your plane is gonna be amazing.
And the more screenshots of this amazing looking plane the better I say!
Very, very excited about this!
Very nice update! Lots of news on features and stunning screenshots! I’d say your updates are well spaced and informative so don’t feel like you are neglecting us!
So excited for the accurate systems simulation - I’ve always been disappointed when I load up a new plane that is claimed to be ‘accurate’ and find that, for example, I NEVER have to use the primer. Systems are the other third of the aircraft’s character, along with looks and how she flies. This sounds like it will have all three!
Thank you, I feel the exact same way!
You’re forgetting number 4 though - the sound! It makes a huge difference if you only see the vibrations in the cockpit, or if you hear the rattling and rumbling.
I was thinking about buying this, but then I tripped over that stupid wing spar while I was exploring the cabin. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Bill Boeing told me that the first 60 aircraft are getting delivered to Boeing Air Transport. I think I’m going to have a word with Jack Frye over at Trans World Airlines. I’ve heard he’s talking to Don Douglas about building something that will leave the 247 in the dust.
In all seriousness, this appears to be a work of art. I’m looking forward to giving Wing42 my money as soon as the Model 247 rolls out the hangar doors–assuming I don’t have to wait for BAT to get their planes first!
Hah loving that classic radio music!
So awesome!!
I live for arcane technologies!