Hey all,
I still see some confusion about it, so let me post a refresher.
About OpenXR for Windows Mixed Reality
OpenXR for Windows Mixed Reality is only useful for people who own a VR headset of the WMR family (eg: Samsung Odyssey, HP Reverb…) and who have WMR set as their OpenXR runtime (as opposed to SteamVR).
If WMR is not set as your OpenXR runtime, when you open the Mixed Reality Portal app, you get a banner at the top:
You can use “Fix it” to make sure WMR is set as your OpenXR runtime.
OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality is an optional application that lets you access our “Preview” (beta) runtime and also lets you change some settings related to resolution and Motion Reprojection. These settings have no effect if WMR is not set as your OpenXR runtime, or if you are using a non-WMR device (Oculus, Varjo, Pimax, Pico…).
You can read more about our release process here: OpenXR for Windows Mixed Reality - Release FAQ, and the short version is below:
About the MS Store packages
There are 2 OpenXR runtimes:
- OpenXR for Windows Mixed Reality, aka the “Stable” runtime
- OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality, aka the “Preview” (beta) runtime, you need to explicitly enable it in the app
The way we update our runtime typically come in 3 flavors:
a) We release a new Preview runtime (OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality) where the major version number is +1 from the previous one (eg: 111 → 112).
b) We promote the (previous) Preview runtime to Stable runtime (OpenXR for Windows Mixed Reality). This is typically rolled out progressively, and not everyone will get it at the same time (may take up to 1 week).
c) We release a hotfix to the Preview runtime (OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality) where the major version number is the same from the previous one (eg: 111 → 111).
You can check the version number in the OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality app:
The Runtime version is the number that matters. The API version below does not matter to you (only for developers).
This value can be different whether you have the “Use latest Preview runtime” on or off.
About what’s going on since last week and in the week to come
What you saw starting last Friday was c), we pushed a hotfix to the Preview runtime for an important bug (Preview runtime kept the same major version number).
What you are starting to see this week is b), we promote the Preview runtime to Stable. Effectively, the “Use latest Preview runtime” in the OpenXR Tools for WMR does nothing (because Preview and Stable are the same version).
What you will see next week will be a), we will release a new Preview runtime with a major version number bump (to 112).
Have any doubt? You can always check the Release notes to see what changes and what the most current version numbers are:
Hopefully this clarifies some confusion. Thanks!