Remove bezels on pop out PFD / MFD screens

Good evening all, does anyone know how to remove the window bezels from the popout PFD and MFD screens? I have them exported to my two G1000 RealSimGear screens but like in X-Plane I have the annoying window dressing around the contents of the PFD/MFD. Any way to remove this without manually repositioning them?


I can’t help, but how on earth did you pop them out in the first place? I didn’t think this was implemented yet?

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Right ALT and click on the screen :slight_smile: Well hidden but it works a treat. Click on both screens, they pop out into the same window. Then click on the magnifying glass on one of them and they turn into separate windows :+1:


There is a key binding for that under miscellaneous. I cannot from the top of my head remember the default though. Basically you use this control and the cursor turns into a magnifying glass allowing you to pop out the Garmin displays. Not the instrument mind you, just the lcd.


Wow, you learn something everyday! Thanks for the replies :blush:


Yeah, thanks for this. I am trying to bind a second monitor to export the gauges/GPS and slowly but surely , re-build the cockpit with an all-hardware stuff. This is a first step.

Thank you again guys, to make the sim a better experience.

Figured out the answer to my issue, just hit Alt+Enter when the windows are maximised on the correct screen. They then go full screen and the bezels are gone :grin:


Undocked displays and front view. This sim surprises me more and more:)

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The next question is how can we save the display settings, so we can load an airplane with the display setting we have once set?

I still don’t known how to resize the displays to fit my homecockpit display frame as the ALT ENTER can’t be used as PDF and MDF share the same monitor. I need to get rid of the top frame without going to FULL SCREEN.

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you dont, but, it is possible to design a piece of software that takes the popped out displays, clicks on the magnifying glasses and tracks/renames the windows and then positions them…if I didn’t already have a huge workload on projects and work, I’d try to tackle this myself…

check out “Borderless Gaming” tool…it can take a non-fullscreen and make it borderless without going fullscreen…it adds a 3rd option from windowed and fullscreen only software…

Windows can be repositioned using WinLayoutManager

You can have it find a window in a certain screen location when it first pops up, as the windows currently do not have titles.

Here is how I have mine set up.

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I tried the Windows Layout Manager, but when “Capture” in the Layout editor is clicked, I get an “Unhandled exception error” saying “Access is denied”. Have you encounter that?
I run as administrator, but no luck.

It works fine for me.

In the a320, I pop out the 2 main displays. One is at 0,0 and the other to the right.

I get WinLayoutManager to grab the top most non-main window, and move it, then the next command grabs the second one.

Is your desktop 4K?

No, its a surround triple monitor setup 4540x900. About 2K

Which Windows version are you running? I can’t get WinLayoutMananger to work.


Sir: THANK YOU! I owe you numerous beers. :smiley:

One feature I really missed from FSX was the ability to pop out the GPS or radio stack and move it onto another monitor, being able to do that in 2020 makes me a seriously happy camper.


Win10 v2004 Latest.

Does it also work for the GNS? (530 or 430)