Remove "press any key to continue" from game and implement it here for the Forums

I think that would be funny…


I feel there is a LOL here but not sure I get it…


Are you new here? JK , Alot , infact sooo many people complained that the "Press any key to continue " pop up in the game was a waste of time and was stealing valuable 2 seconds of their lives that the Devs said they would remove it in an upcoming patch.

So i think it would eb funny if they did that and instead placed it here…


I am also not getting the LOL either, hope someone explains, (not X-Planes 'cos that would be silly).

Hey I can make abstruse jokes too!


My Keyboard is now for waste!


A lengthy period I am sure you would agree.

Fortunes have been gained or lost in less.


I find the Press Any Key requirement buggy anyway. If I’m quick, I can use the space bar to continue on. Many times though, after pressing many keys several times I have to resort to clicking the mouse button to get the main menu to load up.

We’ve all seen the pics. Anyone that fires up the sims doesn’t do it to look at the pics. Just continue onto the Main Menu please.


It’s ridiculous. Means I can’t just fire up the sim then brew up/feed cats/go toilet and come back to the main menu


Also the having to stare a the Microsoft / Asobo copyright black screen for 30 seconds is annoying. Couldn’t that have been small print on the bottom of another screen?

Aaahhhhh, that’s why some cannot play. They have no any key. :thinking:


I see that for only a few seconds…if u see it really for 30 seconds something is wrong

Exactly. It’s UI decisions like this that make me concerned about just what this sim will end up like.

Other inexplicable things are no toggle for player names in the sky; no way to configure the player names - filtering for distance, for instance; no toggle for the taxi arrows - or color and sizing choices.

And while I didn’t expect a feature like this, since the graphic presets activate within a second or two, a toolbar button for toggling through them would be handy.

One wonders if they play their own game.


It is not about “two seconds”. It is about the arbitrary need to babysit a loading process. This creates a large chunk of dead time, especially when multiple restarts are needed due to updates or crashes.

Asobo has that prompt disabled in their internal builds and thankfully, this will be adopted for the release build as well.

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I belive the Devs stated that the loading process continues and is not waiting for you to press any button.

It looks like you’ve solved all the issues in one go.
Everybody needs to get a keyboard.



I heard a comment from the recent interview that because the live in Developer mode they don’t experience some of our frustrations. Surely they need to do final release testing the way we use the product.

What was said in the interview is not very clear. What I think he meant was that removing the “press any key” code will not shorten the time between that point and the point when the menu appears. And I for one never expected it to.

As other people have remarked, it is not the “two seconds” pressing the key that is the problem it 's the “babysitting the loading process” as @Tappex aptly called it.

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I understand that too but, ugh whatever it is they are not able to do because they are baby sitting, cant they do that before they start the game…

Its like people who are gonna sit in front of their computer baby sitting it when they play the game are upset that they gotta spend a few more minutes , if that.

Maybe they should just leave MSFS running all the time so they dont have to wait at all.? lol ?

What is it people need to do so badly while they load the game that they cant do before?
Please someone make a list .

I understand the Devs are gonna remove that feature anyways so the issue is academic at this point I am just curious why it became such a big deal to some.


…so tell me, would you use a toaster or a grill for browning your bread?

What about “anything useful whatsoever”? :slight_smile:
I don’t understand your point about doing whatever before starting the sim. People don’t enjoy watching loading screens only to press a key and watch more loading screens, so they’d prefer to be able to start the sim, do anything else and come back when they can play.