Reno Air Races: Expansion Pack $19,99 - Cockpits and more

Interesting observation … have to wonder how those Gyros stand up to those high G turns !!!

Ah! Thanks again, skipper. I did manage to find the peculiar lever for carb hot air (‘anti ice’). No bindings for continuous motion though - just on or off : ( .

Much needed in the UK, especially at this time of year.

All the best, David.

P.S. I flew GA a few times in the USA - in FL and CA. The check-out pilot at one place told me not to bother with the carb heat - not needed here! :thinking:

“Depending on altitude and other ambient conditions, it is possible to get carburetor ice in hot, humid climates such as central Florida. .


Agreed! … and it was in Florida. After the check flight was over, I used the carb heat as per usual.

The temperature in a carb (because of the Ventury effect) can drop for 30C, so, if there is +39C outside of the plane, the icing most likely will not happen. However… one-2 cold clouds on our descent and there is no guarantee at all…

Hi again. Just off in the Six Cat (the flying Harley :slightly_smiling_face: ) from Flagstaff to the old disused runway at Amboy, following Route 66 as much as possible. Should be setting of about 20:30 UTC. See you there?


Route map:

My Reno Air Races Pack was updated today. More than 150 MB download. But there is no info about this update.

just noticed that, no info? was it mandatory? I’ve installed it anyway.

Not mandatory

Call sign?

How often is that the case. Not often. So people will be running with different Reno versions then. I wonder what they changed? Can’t be anything critical or it would have beaen mandatory surely.

errr … are you all referring to the Route 66 map? It’s just one of many that I made up in Little Navmap. I can post the file if anyone is interested …

No, but I am not far from KIFP now

Very curious what that update contains. Hopefully some good fixes :slight_smile:

At the threshold of KIPF 34 now.

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Anyone know what the update was all about ??

I did a 100% fresh install of MSFS yesterday, (incl Full Reno), and I also this evening see an “Optional” Update, with no info of what it is.

The lack of info is typical, but it;s the Optional part that I find interesting.
Should not everyone, Reno racing, have the same updates to be on the same page (Track)

Looking at file dates, it looks like 2 items were update, which did not include any updates to the plane ?

One thing that may have changed with update ?
Leaderboard : Time Trials : BEST Lap = No Rank #1 for all Classes

Had not noticed that before the update – but maybe just never noticed before ?

  • correction: KIFP

Flying over