Reno Air Races free flight but with airshow "layout"

Hello to all
I have a strange request but perhaps some of you have already thought about it: I bought Reno Air Races I have already seen that it is possible to fly to Reno airport out of the competition but unfortunately in this case the airport is bare! there are no stands and neither are people.
Could you tell me if there is a way to free flight in Reno with the complete scenario?

A thousand thanks !

There are “options” to add better Reno scenery to your Sim – ( Maybe even more detailed and extensive than that in the Asobo Reno Expansion)




( looks quite good from the Pics – maybe it even has Pylons ??

But agreed, its a shame that the Scenery from the Reno Expansion, only shows up when participating in Races – but there are options

Thank you ! both are wonderfull but as i mentioned before, i would like one with croud as you can see in Asobo’s Reno !

Well, just tried it – the Freeware one has Pylons - Realistic one, that make it a LOT more Difficult than the Reno Expansion.

No Crowds – but maybe someone will make a more enhanced version ?

Flying the Circuit in the Vertigo is “Challenging” !!


I have the same Question as to the Reno airshow crowd and parked aircraft in free light mod ?
I’ve seen it when running as a race, surely there is a way to turn it on.

thought while typing this was thinking maybe its one of these flightsim things that turn up when the right date is set, so maybe if set to September the place comes alive ??

Have tried this nothing showed up, Hoping Asobo make a way we can turn this on and off

If you have the scenery, you should be able to get it to display in the open world with a small mod. It’s just scenery after all.

Maybe petition Asobo to make it visible at all times?

Has anyone bothered to ask Asobo if the scenery can be made permanently active?

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