Replace case Fan

I have a Dell G5 - 5090 gaming desktop where I upgraded one of the rear case fans from 80mm to 92mm but I am getting a BIOS error everytime I turn my pc on.

usually case fans not cause bios warnings, only CPU fans… sure that the cpu-fan-connector is stil correct plugged in (and not e.g lose) ?

EDIT: but, seems on DELL support page are also posts about: ( and following )

It seems that the fan that I have purchased is not good for the DELL bios (maybe the maximun speed is not good enough) so I am getting another one to see what what happens.

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what a horrible Bios… you bought a good silent fan ( noctua may be ) , right ? and that bring often better performance with less rpm. Would be unbelivable if you can not change the minimum warning speed in bios, beside of the fact that there should not a warning for a case fan. But on other side, we speak about DELL PC, so I not wonder about anything.


Not to disparage your PC, but when I was working in Government in Client Support, we went to all DELL machines, and we fought those hourly and then they were bad. Had lots of trouble with them. BH, bought laptop few years ago, HDD failed after 2 weeks, it went back, got home from trip, she bought DELL desktop, and (used to build custom PCs), and I fought that thing for the 2 years she owned it. Finally, after Dell support was unable to figure out what was with it, I reformatted the HDD, and reinstalled OS, and it was fine. But I got new ASUS laptop, gave her my old ASUS laptop, and sold the dell, and DELL will never appear on my PC list again. I have had excellent support from ASUS and they have excellent products or at least for me. Upgrading them is easy, just replaced the GPU/CPU fans in this one-gamer laptop, MSFS wore them out. Just excellent quality PC IMHO. They did have some MB’s which had capacitors wired in backwards in 20/21 and believe that was taken care of. Now Nvidia has 4090 Connector/Cable issue, so put New PC Purchase on back burner, further, also just had to replace furnace and heat pump so aint go no PC money now.

Arctic F9 PWM PST Case Fan 92mm This is what I got

Urgh, that’s awful. Why is it these companies tie down their hardware like this. I mean, for heavens sake, a case fan???

Does the new fan spin when system is booted?
If so, can’t you disable fan monitoring in the bios?

Yes it does spin when its booted and I dont know how to disable fan monitoring in the bios.

It would be under performance or monitoring section (if its there) their bioses are extremely lack luster…but look for a tab named monitoring or hardware monitor

I checked that and there is no section for fan monitoring. DELL sucks… What I did is that I have ordered another fan and see if it works.

Good luck hoping it works…such a strange thing…never heard of this till today…yes Dell sucks!

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Moral of the story? Don’t buy Dell. I have purchased a few and have first hand knowledge how prepietery they are and how difficult if is to upgrade them.

It seems that they go out of their way to not allows purchasers from making any upgrades without getting parts them from Dell.

That is why I built my current PC and picked exactly what I wanted.

I will never buy a pre-manufactured PC. I have always built all by PCs and on the last two I was lazy and I purchased pre-fabs and really regretted it!

On the long run, it is always cheaper and better to build exactly what you want and not purchase three or four PCs before you get one that you like.

Build it and you will be much happier.

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Yes I agree with you if you have the skills and knowledge to built one for yourself, but not all of us can do that…

Well, there’s always pre-built options. There are some pretty decent ones these days and they don’t have these types of lockdowns to upgrade paths, you can pretty much spec it yourself and have it shipped to you. I know, I know, money doesn’t grow on trees etc.

How about this one for 3200 dollars?

It’s a 4 pin fan and if there’s no monitoring the MB should only have a 3 (or even 2) pin header, make sure you are using the right ones. Also I wouldn’t put it beyond Dell to have a bespoke pin arrangement just so you must order from them, their PC’s are the pits and I include Alienware in that statement. Ever bought a PC with latest cpu and gpu but last gen memory, a relative of mine did… and it was a DELL

I’d say pass…not that good a deal imo.
You wouldn’t have a relative/friend who knows how to build? That would be the closest way to get what you pay for. I have always built my own, and recommend you look into it…you save money potentially, end up with better quality/performance parts, and the satisfaction of knowing your system in and out.

Offer your helper some $$$ as it can be a timely process.

Is it the price or the specs that you are not happy with this?

You do obviously pay a premium for pre-builds but at that price I’d be expecting minimum a 3090 for graphics. I’m in the UK so I can’t comment on any builders outside here. YouTube is your best bet for reviews of others, I know Gamers Nexus does a lot of work on them as do others. The other thing about the PC you list is the warranty, it’s quite short. I’d be happier with 2 or 3 years at that price.