I’m requesting a 727 because I found a copy of Flight simulator 98 at my grandparents house and saw they had a Boeing 727 in that game and I would love to Asobo do one in their historical aircraft dlcs to pay tribute to fs98
don’t we all want this!!!
there have been a few 727s over the years, but MSFS is crying out for one…or more!
not Asobo though…I’d prefer a top class developer to latch onto this one.
I think one of the best FS98 aircraft was Project Freeware(remember them old time FS users??) B727 series. How they managed to make that beauty within the “parts limit” that FS98 had on aircraft was nothing short of brilliant.
I’m sure someone out there soon will be tackling the classics 707,727,737 soon.
we can only hope so!! the 737 is well catered for, but 727 (100 and 200), 707, DC9 perhaps all good. There is an MD80 about to launch, but I still like the DC9-30 series.
+1000, but only if Xbox gets it too. And for any airliner, I’d prefer a 3rd party dev. Asobo needs to stick to VFR aircraft based on the current offerings.
The 727 has a place in my heart that is special and it would be one of the few ways to get me into a larger jet in this sim. Hopefully one with either JT8-9 in the 100 or the -17AR in the 200.
You will be happy to hear that TFDi is currently programming a Boeing 727:
Oh. Almost! It´s a 717. But the turbine configuration is similar.
Having flown many years on 727s IRL, I would love to see a top notch edition of this classic airplane.
wouldn’t we all??? (welll… a lot of us)
the best 727 that I flighted is 727 Captain sim.Unfortunately I think they won’t do it again for 2020
Special request: include the pre-“Cooper vane” ability to open the rear stairs in-flight
Unfortunately Captain Sims quality dropped to the point where you don’t buy them I’d rather see any of these tackle it
Flight sim studios
Just Flight
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Any status on the B-727??
There’s rumors of a Boeing bringing back the 727
The Cooper vane was installed to PREVENT the opening of the aft airstairs in flight. It was a mechanical device that locked the stairs so that they couldn’t be lowered in flight.
So it did the opposite of what you requested.
Hence why the poster actually said PRE-Cooper Vane. As in: before they were installed…
Really , the MD80 in MSFS ?
Iam looking for it . ,
Mea culpa. This is what happens when old guys like me don’t read carefully.