Reset MSFS2020 Default Weather Presets?

Does anyone know if it is possible to reset the default Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Weather Presets to their original state?

I notice after making custom adjustments to a weather preset such as cloud layers, wind speed, direction, et cetera, the preset is saved in it’s last state and not reset the next time I load a flight resulting in a preset that’s been altered multiple times?

Re-starting the simulator and even re-installing the simulator seems to have no effect as if the Weather Presets are stored on a Cloud Server similar to how your flight controls and settings are.

Any one else notice this?

I can’t answer the question of whether you can reset the default weather setting, but for future reference, you do know once you make changes to a weather setup you can save that setup as a custom version which doesn’t affect the default configuration? You can keep those custom setups or delete them if you find you’re not using them.
If this is old news to you, please disregard!

P.S. if you do want to reset the defaults, I’m sure we can provide you the specifics of each one, and you can enter those and save them back as your defaults.

I don’t think you can even change or save anything into the default weather preset. Whenever you make changes to it, it would always save as a additional custom preset. So whenever you access the default preset. It will always be the default.

@Habu2u2 and @Neo4316,

Thanks for the responses! Yes, so I’ll often select a preset in flight like Scattered Clouds. I notice the preset is still in the state my previous day’s flight is in. For example, My previous flight, I moved the cloud layer altitudes to lower or higher. After closing the sim, restarting my computer, and coming back the next day, I notice those clouds in that same default preset are still at the random altitude I had put them at and not reset to the default preset altitude for the cloud layers. I never saved the weather preset or anything?

I’m curious where the default weather presets are stored locally somewhere or if they are cloud based similar to how your profile, settings, and key bindings/controlls are? I just would like to restore them back to the originals or be able to back them up so if I do make custom changes in flight, I can still restore the orignial weather presets.

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Don’t you just select a preset again when setting up your flight? As posted above don’t think you can alter the presets, just save a new one.
I always start up the sim using the clear skies setting then change once the flight has loaded.

Thanks for the info. I’d go ahead and report this as a bug, and keep an eye on it when the next beta version comes out to see if it’s been fixed. Unless they’ve changed their philosophy of how it works, I believe the presets should never be subject to being permanently changed, or at least they need to make sure there’s a way to get them back to original condition without having to manually re-enter the setup.

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