Roleplaying around the world trip - Considerations

So I like many, have decided to embark on a trip around the world using a Arrow III Turbo

My rules:

-Only VFR flight, relying on pilotage and dead reckoning
-Real-time and Live Weather

I’m trying to mimic real life so:
-Adhering to rules set out by sectionals (airspaces, restricted areas etc)
-VFR flight conditions
-When crossing borders only landing at ‘airports of entry’
-Only refuelling at airports that sell Avgas based on*

*fsxmap appears to be missing data for China or they don’t have many airports offering avgas, so I’m making inferences based on airport size etc.

I was just wondering if there are any other rules that I should take into account that would be easy to role play?

Also wondering what people are doing to keep a log of each achieved leg? I’ve been using littlenavmap to record the log.


…also consider Jumpseat Radio.
you’re welcome.


That’s awesome! Thanks!

I did it. Here is how I was able to.

Since then, I have even made my weather forecasting much more sophisticated.

I’m currently doing a world tour in the WT CJ4 on IFR pre-planned flights, about 60% completed. I always like to use the drone camera to “pretend” like I’m going out of the plane after I land and turn things off. Gives me a sense of accomplishment for some reason.

Great idea. My dream flight as well, but I want to do this in PA-28 Cherokee 180E when I finish porting it from FSW.

I was also planning to track the flights using Volanta, or maybe even utilize FSEconomy for additional challenges (hauling cargo and passengers along the way). Will see. Clear skies to you!

I’ve just started in our Bonanza Improvement Mod, leaving from the factory in Wichita. I’ve made it as far as Nassau. I’d love to fly a leg or two in company if anyone is keen.

My ‘rules’ are:

  • Ramp to Ramp using Volanta state saving (buggy, sadly)
  • Only fuel from in sim fuel stations
  • Use no assists - accurate as possible dynamics
  • Real Weather/Live Weather
  • Correct time for area flying in (difficult, so might need to revisit this)
  • Navigation following standard practices (as much as I know, anyway)
  • Correct flight planning with fuel reserves etc.
  • Record flight in Volanta
  • VFR ideally to see the scenery, although also not afraid to complete the odd IFR flight
  • I’m tempted to add Vatsim into the mix, but currently using sim ATC
  • Visit every continent if possible
  • Remember it is for fun :slight_smile:

Ive been using to identify which airports have fuel. What do you use?

I’m suspicious that there is no avgas on fsxmap for China.

Do you have any write up on your more sophisticated method? Are you still using Meteoblue?

Yes. Basically, On my initial iteration I was not using METARs and TAFs. Since then, Meteoblue publishes them and I take that into account along with convective activity

I have yet to include fronts and pressure systems. I am waiting to see if there is a way to get that info from them. So weather planning will be a one stop in MeteoBlue and that’s it.

The other thought I had was airport operating times!

Does anyone have a source?

I’ve been using Navigraph so far - normally try and find where the fuel station is on the taxi chart. I had a quick check of three Chinese airports but couldn’t see any though, so yes maybe this info might be restricted perhaps.

image MYNN

I like airport opening times, i’ve just spent a while trying to find if @NAVData have the info somewhere in the charts but couldn’t see anything. But it early here and I’ve not had my first cup of tea yet. :slight_smile:

I spent some more time googling last night.

Some charts for airports will say things like ‘Sunrise to Sunset’ or curfew conditions.

Not universal though.

A good idea to do a RTW!

I am planning to do the route that Zara Rutherford is doing right now. You can see her position live, scroll down a bit to see her route on a map.

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I’m trying an around the world as well, for airport info I’m using a combination of Acukwik, airports-worldwide, and google searches. But I’m flying all IFR, not VFR, so using low altitude airways on Skyvector, navaids where they exist, GPS where they don’t. Adding fsxmap to the toolbox, thanks for that. Oh, and Simplates Ultra X for approach plates, etc.

I’m also using a spreadsheet to keep track of all the costs, fuel (sometimes have to approximate based on other airports) landing/parking fees, hotels, food, etc. Not including bribes for diplomatic access. And a useful PDF I found that lists costs by country for landing/parking as well as air navigation charges. Flying JF’s Piper Warrior II.

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Tracking costs. That’s an interesting idea. What about maintenance?

What made you choose Arrow Warrior over the other models?

Do you mind sharing the PDF?

Though about 45 days away, I’ve been thinking of crossing the Bering Strait. I read that it’s not easy to get permission to enter the US from that way.

Is there a legitimate way to cross from Asia to North America?

(Given Arrow III turbo range)

I’ve been doing my world circumnavigation VFR with live time and live weather. Do not recommend except for realism lol.

I have noticed in some info pages for airports they do mention operating times:
HJ = Sunrise to Sunset
HN = Sunset to Sunrise

Daru Airport (AYDU) on is an example

To be honest, the Warrior is closer to my favorite GA plane, the 172. The Arrows never felt ‘right’ for me, too fast, and really not a fan of the constant speed propeller. I can do a 2 or so hour flight, cover a couple hundred nautical miles at a time, and just work my way around the world. When I tried this a few years ago in a 172 in FSX (which broke so many times I finally gave up), I was able to find a place to land in the Bering Strait, it was PPR, but I figured I’d have PPR if I was doing this in RL.

The hardest part for me then was finding places in Eastern Russia that could even possibly get Avgas. There’s a Russian supplier I found that could deliver with like 2 weeks notice, so I assumed I’d have worked it through him. I also looked into what it would take to put extra fuel in the back of a Cessna. It’s … possible.

As far as the PDF it’s ICAO Document 7100, no idea how I found it, but PM me and I could send you the PDF. It’s from 2010 so not current, but it’s a good reference and chances are, knowing the aviation industry, probably still about 95% accurate. The names change, but…

I googled it and found the 2016 version.

Interesting that they’ve replaced it with a pay-for-use website:

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