Round the World in a 172 skyhawk real time, on MP

LEPA Palma De Mallorca - LXGB Gibraltar AB, Gibraltar

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434 NM 95nm out from LXGB power outage reset flight

Time roughly 4hr2min

Fuel used not 100% sure

landed on Rwy 27

Now this is an nice airport, very cool landing and just amazing scenery !!!


I’ve prepared also everything to start streaming a world tour next week … 465 total flight.

By the way… Good topic mate :wink::+1:t3:

LXGB Gibralatr - DAOR Bechar, Algeria airport has no lights

311 NM

Wheels down 11:38 PM GMT+1

Landed on Rwy 18- ILS 18

Fuel used 53% 29.47 gal

Nice flight , Gibralatr is really nice
DAOR airport has no lights so had to take ILS landing


DAOR Bechar - DAAN Reggane, Algeria Sahara Desert

325 NM

Wheels down 3:03am GMT+1

Fuel used not 100% sure

Nice flight up to when Auto pilot locking up 10 NM away from DAAN , when trying to tune in an NDB

DAAN Reggane Airport, Algeria has no lights.
Good flight though


DAAN Reggane - GATS Tessalit, Tessalit MALI

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390 NM
Fule used 37% - 35.02 gal
Landed Rwy 23

GATS is a a two strip airport in the Sahara Desert , not much to see but sand :slight_smile: No lights

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killing it well done! i started my round the world journey yesterday. started in Dundee, then flew south to Brighton, (about 3 hours) then today i flew from Brighton to Austria. (5hours) Loving this sim!!

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It really is amazing and atm flying over the Sahara Desert at sunset is just awesome :slight_smile:


I have done plenty of off shore sailing and the only thing better than a sunset at sea is a sunrise, I suspect the same will be true in the air

Sahara Desert Sunset , Storm on the Horizon


Time to get Toto queued up in the CD/MP3/ record player. Soon you will have Mt Kilimanjaro in your sights

I’ll be back swimming in a few weeks and planning to circumnavigate I’ll be doing this real world weather and on mp if people want to join :slight_smile:

Also the tacho time in the aircraft is engine run times not flight times

GATS Tessalit - DRZA Manu Dayak, Agades

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Time not 100% sure due to power outage

Fuel used not 100% sure due to 1 power outage about 120 nm out

Wheels down 9:08 GMT+1

Landed on Rwy 07

Airport has lights and is pretty nice for an airport on the scorching edge of the Sahara Desert

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200 NM out from Nnamdi Niger , Africa
Potato settings

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DRZA Manu Dayak - DNAA Nnamdi Azikiwe, Nigeria
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479 NM

Fuel used 76% 42.46 gal

Wheels down 2:31am GMT+1

Time 4hrs 15min

Amazing flight , it was mostly in the dark and one rather large storm but when the clouds broke through just awesome.

DNAA airport is really nice , has good runways / lights


Last flight for tonight

DNAA Nnamdi Azikiwe Int - DNMK Makurdi
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112 NM


Fuel used 19% 22.81 gal , not sure why I used so much fuel…

Wheels down 4:38 am GMT+1

DNMK airport has no lights, tough landing , had to land on a street that had lights and taxi into airport

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Woke up early this am,

DNMK - FKBA Mindourou, Cameroon Africa

414 NM

Fuel used 61% 34.02 gal

time 3:30 min

Wheels down 2:12 PM GMT+1

Really cool flight , had some bad weather and seeing the Villages pop in and out was awesome.

The Mindourou airfield is nothing more than a grass runway with a small village and river next to it :slight_smile:

RTW trip c172 Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo Real,Time,Weather,Live MP Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

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FKBA Mindourou - FCBB Maya-Maya Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo
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504 NM

Crossed the Equator at 4:45 PM GMT +2 Congo time

Fuel Used 71% 39.62 gal

total flight time 4hr54min

Really Nice flight, lots of fun on this trip. The Brazzaville Airport is huge, really nice. Yes they have lights :slight_smile:

Awesome flight !

You have gone from Pollywog to a shellback, congrats on the 0 degree crossing

FCBB Maya-Maya Brazzaville FNLU 4th of Feruary, Luanda Angola
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302 NM

Flight time 2hr54min

Fuel used 47% 26.52 gal

Landed on RWY 23

Wheels down 12:19 am GMT+1

Fourth of February International Airport is a very nice airport, Pretty fun flight, mostly in the dark

Fourth of February International Airport is named to commenmorate leading to Angola’s Independence from Portugal in Nov 1975

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