RTX 3080 vs 3080ti vs 3090 for FS2020

Yesterday I migrated to the new Corsair 4000x case, upgraded the cooler from the H100i to the H150i which is a 360 versus a 240. I also upgrade the three SP 120 fans to ML 120.

What a huge difference! The system stays much cooler and quieter! the coolant temps are new about 32c at idle and stay under 40c with FS running at Ultra and 60 FPS and LOD higher than what Ultra normally sets.

The Corsair 750R I originally had was just too small to handle a GPU the size of the 3080ti and it was right up to the radiator and causing it to run hot and overall just a bad mix.

These are not good photos, as I was tired when I finished and hadn’t removed the plastic from the front cover and the side glass panels isn’t on. But anyway, this is what my system looks like now. Notice how lower the fans now run.

Oh, and as someone else had mentioned the 3080ti is pretty much a 3090 with less VRAM and a lot more powerful than a 3080.