RTX 4070 ti upgrade

Hp reverb G2, very clear picture. Coming from a rift S and are still amazed about the clear picture

Yeah will be twice as fast with fake frame doubling on.


  • You could get it for a very low price if you sell your 3090.
  • Small performance gain if not VRAM limited
  • DLSS 3
  • Less power consuption


  • You lose 12 GB of VRAM
  • Price might go down over time as theyā€™re way overpriced
  • Performance gain rather small (if any, due to VRAM)

I got 30 days to return it so itā€™s worry free besides I got a good deal well below MSRP with the OC version. (Asus is my favorite brand specifically the TUF version)
So far I think the drivers are the weakest link of the 40 series card. However overtime it will improve.
Like I previously stated my case is rather small (HTPC) so the heat and power consumption are two big pluses going from 3090 to the 4080 card.
Will see how the next few weeks the new card performs as I keep playing on other non-sim games.

I get this in DX12 mode in VR with my 4080 too. Running MSFS in DX11 mode fixes this and gives excellent performance. Yes I lose FG capability in 2D, but I always fly in VR so itā€™s no big deal.

I too had a TUF 3090 with 4K 32" monitor
I wasted a lot of time evaluating if it was the case to upgrade to a more powerful GPU or keep the 3090
My goal was to improve the graphics quality without losing FPS, I have a 60Hz monitor so even 60FPS could have been enough for me.
I immediately discarded the 4070 as it has half the NVRAM of the 3090 and, DLSS3 aside, on some tests it turned out to be less performing than the 3090
My doubt was whether to upgrade to the 4080 or the 4090
Finally I took a breath and bought the ASUS TUF RTX 4090
The first few days I was a little disappointed because I couldnā€™t see any improvement in quality even though the FPS had undoubtedly increased.
At the same time I noticed that the frames generated by the AI created artifacts and noise in the images probably due to the 60Hz monitor refresh rate.
Yesterday I finally found the setting I was looking for working on the Render Scaling bringing it to 130% with TLOD at 250 and everything else in ultra.
Finally the 4090 works over 90% and the graphics are excellent.
I hope the image below will give you an idea (27MB)
Iā€™m really glad I bought the 4090 even if the price is challenging.
PS: the picture was taken with FENIX A320 & FSLTL active at Munich EDDM airport.

Unfortunately during the upload of the screen on the site the image has undergone a downscaling to 1920*1080 but I can guarantee you that in the original format it is breathtaking :slight_smile:

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What frame gate are you getting at that setting? And Do you VR in MSFS?

About 50 FPS more or less.
I do not use VR, Iā€™m afraid that making long flights with airliners might annoy me.

I am going to go back to the 3090. The 4080 often runs out of VRAM in DCS VR and right around 90% VRAM utilized in MSFS.

I have a Quest 2 and the cockpit on the Citations is hard to read without lots of tuning just to have to zoom in every interaction on it. How clear is the Reverb G2 in the cockpit??

55 fps is perfectly fine in a flight simulator, as long as everything is smooth and stable.
In fact, I doubt anyone could notice a difference between 55 fps and 110 fps while flying.
This isnā€™t a First Person Shooter, where fps numbers matter to competition gamers.
Also, the 12GB VRAM in the 4070 Ti will be a detriment in a VR environment, even if DLSS3 is doing frame doubling.

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Just installed the RTX4070Ti, from my RTX 2080Ti.

MSFS setup for a flight (4K - A310) average:
RTX 2080Ti vs RTX4070Ti
EGCC Airport 35fps 36fps
Crusing 53fps 55fps
EHAM Finals 35fps 36fps

I skiped a generation (3000 series) for this, and Ā£900 NO WAY!

Fans also rattled

Got RMA being returned

Good thing is, I now appreciate my trusty RTX 2080Ti

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Sounds like you are CPU limited which means there is little point in doing a GPU upgrade in your particular system.


The A310 is a CPU hog, so as @EdamllamaB says you were likely CPU limited in this scenario. Even still, enabling frame generation would have doubled your FPS over what your 2080Ti produced. Did you try that?

I have frame generation enabled by default. CPU may not be the latest series 13 but itā€™s i9-11900k which is pretty decent. If the Nvidia 4000 series are useless without having paying out for expensive13 gen cpu + new mobo then their sales are not going to be that great.

BTW, tried the new Atomic Heart game, not really cpu dependent, frame rate improvement was still really small.

Over the years Iā€™ve seen huge improvements with upgrades, this sadly, is not one of them.

Well if you do have this enabled you should be seeing at least double the FPS of what your 2080 Ti was able to produce. Note that the MSFS developer mode FPS view does NOT show this frame rate doubling so you need to use an external FPS counter, like MSI Afterburner or hWinfo, to show it correctly.

I use MSI Afterburner. Just wonder if the 4070 could be faulty. Temperature did not exceed 42degrees which is very cool considering itā€™s in a micro atx case and has very little head room. For the last 2 years my rtx2080ti constantly ran at 72+ degrees

NOTE based my purchase on this:

Interesting. So if did you try turning frame generation off and verify the FPS halved? In any case, it does sound like your GPU was being under worked and possibly not detected properly. Did you run something like DDU and reinstalling video drivers when you put the new GPU in?

Both system and MSI showed the correct GPU. Overclockers sent me a link for the very latest driver which made no difference. Anyway all a bit academic now as I have returned it.

Somethingā€™s definitely awry. I built an SFF rig with a 13700K and 4070 Ti and I get 90 fps in the most demanding areas, 100-120 more typically, at 4K in MSFS with most stuff on Ultra.

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