I appear to be experiencing an issue and don’t know whether it’s an issue in general or just with the flight yoke and pedal system I am using.
I am using the Logitech Saitek Pro rudder and yoke system for MSFS and I find when I land propeller/piston aircraft, the rudder of the aircraft goes left or right on its own which causes me to have to use the pedals to keep the aircraft on the runway.
Is anybody else having this issue with other flight yoke/pedal systems or just in general?
You are going to have to use the rudders on a single prop to keep it on the runway.
To a degree, that is what really does happen.
Unfortunately, the effect is not done properly yet in MSFS, and Asobo acknowledges that fact.
However, there is also a bug which affects some users, making almost impossible to handle the aircraft on taxi and runways.
Experimenting with deadzones and rudder reactivity can sometimes help as well.
I have the same control combo and have no issues.
I just received mine today and have an issue with it yawning to the right. All of the calibrations show it to the right. I spent 5 hours trying to talk to Logitech and got nothing but a run around. I’m about to ship this pos back.