Hellos guys, thank you for taking your time reading my issue. The problem I have for few weeks now is that when I activate AP in some airplanes the rudder slowly little by little starts to turn alone. Than makes the airplane to flight tilted to one side. If I disconnect the AP then the rudder re-center itself again but when the AP is on again I have the same issue. I think this has to be something related with the “new” rudder controls but I cannot configurate them properly no matter the changes I do. So please I would need your kind help to solve this problem that it’s driving me crazy.
I share with you all how the rudder behaves with AP activated:
That is something the airplane does by itself, I do not do anything with my T16000M.
I also share my current settings:
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
you have 1 axis and 2 button controlling the ‘same’ action in msfs , remove the buttons and use twist for rudder…( current axis )
then program those buttons to : Rudder trim left and rudder trim right
Mkay after wearing glasses , you have the same axis on 3 actions doing the same thing , msfs doesnt like that and will go crazy , you only need the rudder axis ( top one ) , remove the other 2 , those are used for programming foot pedals
Hi @IvanChM,
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You only need Rudder Axis.
You have to remove the Rudder Axis Left and Rudder Axis Right.
They’re in conflict with each other.
Thank you very much for your help, it looks like that the whole pack of actions suggested done corrected the issue.
Big hugs and love.
Closing as issue solved by OP.