Runway glitch causes crash

I’ve run into similar glitches at various runways, especially lately at KBNA (Nashville), which is the largest “local” airport to me, and one I’ve been using a lot to try to figure out the 787’s autopilot quirks and bugs. I reported one to Zendesk along one particular runway bad enough to wreck the plane (“You have damaged your landing gear”) at less than 55 knots on rollout, but that was the only runway seemingly affected - landing on others was not an issue.

Today, I was landing on a different runway, runway 31, a runway I have been landing on for a couple days including just last night. Three times, the same sort of thing occurred as seen below. And keep in mind, I was flying circuits - taking off from the same airport I was landing at, from the same runway! Each takeoff was uneventful with no weird runway issues.

The first “crack” slews the aircraft around, and the next one tossed it right back into the air! I trimmed the video I made, but as I was sort of flopping in the air over the field, there were two more visible cracks further down …

The good news is my Zendesk report about the prior issue has been marked “Solved” - hopefully that means it’s a program glitch rather than some poor developer having to manually massage textures and elevation maps for potentially thousands of runways and airports around the world.

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Okay, I tested it as well at KBNA and I had the same issues. The render glitches look like in your video above. Hope that it will be fixed by Asobo with next update.

Only happened here after

Happened last night at Southampton EGHI, one of only two areas in the UK with photogrammetry, the other being Portsmouth.

The photogrammetric scenery is also flat above 3,000 ft, again since the latest update.

I just tried turning off photogrammetry and it solved the issue of runway cracks. I don’t like this though, because it makes the world look plain.

Same here at landing on Rw 28R in KORD Chicago O´Hare

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Same here. Been happening a lot recently. Happened at Midway as well this week.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Firenze-Peretola (LIRQ), Florence, Italy: Runway 05-23 tear

Try turning off your rolling cache. I haven’t experienced this issue since I did that. I think it is a loading issue which results in crevasses across the runway that cause the plane to crash when it hits them.

Cleaning your cache would also likely work.

I believe what we’re seeing is screen tearing issues. It hadn’t dawned on me that it might be a photogrammetry location issue, but now that you mention it, I have only seen it in photogrammetry areas.

I believe the reason for this is that it’s just too much to load at higher speeds. That’s why you can make the same landing on the same runway in a slower GA plane and not see the tear, but fly an Airbus or something at 140+ and you see it. If you see it, you can certainly hit it and do big damage.

You also will never see them with the drone camera or the development camera for this reason.

Yes, exactly. You can taxi the entire length of the runway at low/moderate speeds and never see a problem, but come in hot for a heavy landing in an airliner at a 160 knots and you can see a half dozen of these along that same runway.

Those of you who have experienced this same thing, please do what I suggest, then report your findings to Zendesk. The more people who report it, the sooner it might get some priority on the roadmap.

Preloading my destination airport has helped me with that problem.

Since 3 days I preload the airport in order to avoid that problem, and so far I haven’t had any cracks or ramps on the runway.

Before it was a 50/50 game.

Options / general / data

By preloading do you mean manual caching?

Exactly ! …

Conversely, when I had my destination airport and surrounding region manually-cached, I wrecked on landing almost every time. I have since deleted my manual cache and have had only one such runway issue (last night) after a half-dozen landings without a problem.

It’s definitely a bug that needs to be addressed.

This did not work for me. I preloaded EDDP. The result was the same like before: the cracks in the runway caused my plane to crash

oh EDDP is broken. theres a mod for that.

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Preloading doesn’t work for me. This issue with cracks in runways came with the second big update.
Turn photogrammetry = Off is a workaround.

oh EDDP is broken. theres a mod for that.

I’m not talking about the taxiways (I know the mod and I use it), I’m talking about the ‘cracks’ in the runway

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I had the same issue at Florence airport the other day. It was the first time this happened and I thought it had to do with Gaya‘s airport addon. Now I realize it‘s a bigger problem.