Exactly. There are plenty of elevation issues in various airports with taxiways that are sloped too sharply, or have “humps” that you have to power over … this problem is not that.
Rather, this problem appears to be a rendering issue when an aircraft is rolling out on landing or sometimes on take-off roll. If you record a flight in daylight when this occurs, you can see the crack appear as the bug manifests itself.
I guess, if photogrammetry would load before, there would be no crashes. I have a 200gbps internet connection with very low latency, so slow loading times via internet should not be the cause of theproblem.
I have the same internet connection. When I started my flight at this airport, there were no glitches (at least I didn‘t notice any). So it could be a loading problem.
I have 1 gigabit per second (fiber to the home is awesome) and still get issues like this. What’s frustrating is it is utterly inconsistent - I can take off or land on the same runway 10 times and experience this kind of glitch 3 times in a row, then maybe not again for the next 5 times, or it could be every other time … etc.
Given the connection to photogrammetry and the random nature, I strongly suspect there’s a rendering thread priority issue with the sim itself, and however Windows is balancing the overall processor usage, handing off work the GPU, etc.
My Zendesk bug report about it has been marked “Solved,” which of course simply means that the bug has been accepted into their internal system for triage and eventual attention. I just wish we’d get some specific developer feedback about it.
I started at EDDW and made two touch and go‘s and one „landing“. I got the glitch every time again the runway was kind of bumpy and the plane hardly controllable, and the glitch was also visible every time. I did some touch and go‘s without photogrammetry and the runway was super-smooth every time.
I of course had damage turned off.
I had 4 airports today alone (San Francisco, Ney York, Washington ans LAX) where they had one portion of the runway hiher then the other one. It caused eiter crashes after landing or while taxiing. Why does this happen? First I thought this would be fixable with a restart, but I was wrong. It’s very frustrating and it takes the fun out of an otherwise amazing game. Does anyone else have such issues?
I made two near-identical flights today, each approximately 2 hours long, from KJFK to KBNA. The only differences were the departure runway and the weights of the aircraft - I flew the 787-10 each time, though I forgot to lower the default starting weight for the relatively short flight the second time.
The first flight was basically perfect all the way to the final gate and shutdown. The second, not so much. About 90 minutes into the flight as I was nearing the arrival. I got a message that I had lost connection, but about 30 seconds later I got message that the sim had reconnected. Then as I flew the arrival and got below the cloud level, I could see several visible lines or “cracks” in the terrain in the distance, just like these occasional runway cracks. I flew the rest of the arrival and approach, touched down smoothly and the plane immediately hit a runway crack and was destroyed.
CYVR-PHNL in the 747 yesterday. Great flight. 08L ILS. ATC waved me off at 350 ft. Manual go around. Set up new approach. No morons taxiing onto the runway this time.
40-30-20… Bamm. You hit an object and crashed.
Was a textbook approach and looked like a perfect TD. Guess I’ll never know.
Really REALLY frustrating way to end long flights. This now happens like most of the time I try and land at a large airport. Ruins the experience for me.