Runway glitch causes crash

I fully agree with that sentiment - it’s a “local disturbance in the force”, but nothing more. Nothing that affects the overall performance and usability of the game. Unless of course we are talking about “systematic glitches”, such as the terrain spikes a couple of months ago that all of a sudden popped up everywhere like mushrooms… (people will remember).

BUT… don’t give up hope just yet! Yes, it really helps if you note down the exact location (with exact GPS coordinates, if possible), create a ticket (Zendesk) and it might get fixed eventually!

I have seen myself that two reported “glitches” were indeed fixed, even though it took months (which, again, is reasonable, given their low importance, from a “world point of view”): one was a bunker on the St. Gotthard Pass. By their very nature bunkers are under the earth (non-visible), but the AI extruded the building into a huge office complex on top of St. Gotthard :wink: Even before the latest World Update (which included Switzerland) that “building” was made properly hidden again - so someone must have taken action on my ticket.

The other issue that I know of were the Deadly Pylons of Death, just in front of runway 22 in Geneva (LSGG): while they do exist in reality (hence the AI properly placed them there, too) they are extremely low, so the cables are almost on ground-level (for very obvious reasons). The AI on the other hand placed normal-sized pylons just in front of the runway (and yes, they got you killed if you faithfully followed the glide-path).

So again: note down the exact location and zendesk it. Then wait :slight_smile:

UPDATE: Oh no! Seems like the Pylons of Death are back, as some have observed: [BUG LOGGED] Power pole / pylon in front of Geneva (LSGG) runway 22 too high - #113 by Radioactivegoos

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I get these all the time. It’s so annoying especially on VATSIM.

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