RX 6800 XT vs RTX 3080

Need to buy new GPU. I’m leaning towards RX 6800 XT at this point because the new Xbox uses the AMD GPU. Given this, I suspect Asobo/Microsoft will optimize for the AMD GPU more than they would for the RTX 3080. Your thoughts?

currently there’s not much between the cards. Get whichever you can actually buy (at MSRP). Availability is really the only thing that decides the choice right now. Can’t go wrong with either.

That’s really wasn’t my point but point taken. I am fully aware that the scalpers are holding us all hostage on these GPUs and I should get whatever I can get my hands on if I could. My comment is all about the long run. XBox is running AMD GPU…I think it will probably end up more optimized on AMD than Nvidia.

Could make a difference in the long run.

For instance I could imagine MS/Asobo not investing into NVidia specific tech like DLSS.

Optimizations for rasterized performance will likely benefit both NVidia and AMD.

If they do optimize a lot for AMD RDNA2 announced features like FidelityFX, that might come to benefit Radeon cards more.

It’s all pretty much guesswork though, so I wouldn’t let these speculations guide your purchase decision too much (especially since NVidia still holds (and will most likely remain) the largest GPU manufacturer for a while.

I’m just happy there’s finally some serious competition in the GPU market, only good things can come of this.

DLSS is game-changing, but drivers stability is a lot more important.


In 4K the 3080 is much faster than the Radeon 6800xt

I was lucky enough to pick up a Radeon RX 6800 XT a few weeks ago, after cancelling my pre-order for RTX 3080, who’s supply had completely dried up with the place I pre-ordered it from. So here’s a few observations, for my first ever Radeon card after gaming with nVidia since the early 2000s. I had to pay over the odds, but not too much.

Performance at 1080p is identical, simply because the game at that resolution is wholly CPU bound, both cards are overkill at this resolution. AT 1440p the Radeon is ever so slightly ahead, maybe 2-3 fps at most. At 4K the 3080 pulls ahead by 18% (33fps vs 40fps) on the Sydney landing challenge. These are all stock figures without Rage mode on the AMD or Shared Access Memory enabled…or DLSS on the nVidia. Right now, without AMD enabling their version of DLSS yet, the Nvidia card would be a better choice for 4K gaming. Also ray tracing, for those who care about it…forget it on the Radeon cards, the performance hit is terrible.

Then come the drivers, nVidia has always been way ahead here, although I must say AMD’s Adrenalin software is far more configurable and was a pleasant surprise, it’s very different from nVidias software. I have noticed a few bugs in the latest driver in MSFS however, such as where changing some settings in game will cause the frame rate to plummet to 10fps when you go from the menu to in-flight, requiring a system reboot to fix it. Only happened three times so far. Apart from that I have never had a crash in game and the frame rates on my 1440p monitor are outstanding on mostly ultra with a few settings lowered that don’t do much or I don’t like (trees on medium for example) up to 87fps in a steam gage GA aircraft in country areas and often 60fps and above in many cities, meaning I can enable Vsync and have buttery smooth gameplay with no juddering (micro stutters) at all, except when scenery may be loading (I have roaming cache disabled). FPS in tubeliners is obviously lower, but still top of the shop at 1440p (RX 6090 XT aside). It’s awesome.

As for the Xbox issue, I believe there near certainty of Asobo to work closely with AMD on optimisation, as Microsoft have been heavily pushing 4K gaming with their new console, which has both an AMD CPU and cut down version of the RX 6000 series GPUs. AMDs version of DLSS is not far away and will probably be in place when the game is available for Xbox.

In short, right now grab either card if you can and you will be happy, with a caveat for 4K gamers.


More on 6800XT vs nVidia DLSS.

I posted this on another thread, but applicable here for those who might miss it.

Article on it below. AMD’s version is open source and they are working closely with Microsoft to implement it. So it will almost certainly be available on PC for MSFS.

"Nvidia’s DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) technology the gaming market’s most disruptive technology, enabling higher performance levels by using machine learning to upscale images to higher resolutions without visual downgrades.

To many gamers, DLSS offers Nvidia RTX users a free graphics card performance upgrade in supported titles. This delivers Nvidia a huge performance advantage over their rivals.

AMD needs an answer to Nvidia’s DLSS, and that answer is DirectML-powered Super Resolution. Like Nvidia, AMD plans to utilise Machine Learning improve the visual quality of games, but AMD’s solution will have the backing of Microsoft.

In a recent disclosure regarding their Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S system, Microsoft confirmed that both of their next-generation consoles would support Machine learning for games with DirectML. Through their collaboration with AMD when creating their new consoles, AMD has a chance to replace DLSS with an alternative which will apply to gamers on both PC and Xbox, giving developers little reason to support DLSS over DirectML Super Resolution.

Through close collaboration and partnership between Xbox and AMD, not only have we delivered on this promise, we have gone even further introducing additional next-generation innovation such as hardware accelerated Machine Learning capabilities for better NPC intelligence, more lifelike animation, and improved visual quality via techniques such as ML powered super resolution."

AMD has an answer to DLSS, DirectML Super Resolution


I am also curious to know about the performance. However I am not so eager to upgrade as my RTX2080 still do its job pretty well. However, I would be interested to know how DX12 will play out in MSFS and that would be my deciding factor on which card shall I upgrade to

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Thank you so much for this detail – seriously!!


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