Salty Simulations 747-8

Lots of exciting stuff about to drop on to this project. Work being done on the AP as well as correct fuel flow, predicted altitude green arc on ND, EICAS complete displays, etc. Really good things.


You just made my day, thank-you.


New chnges have been rolled out including:
Added predictive altitude range arc to Navigation Display

  • Shows predicted level off point at MCP altitude in a climb or descent based on current Groundspeed and Vertical Speed.
  • Active in ND MAP or MAP CTR modes when 100 feet above ground.
  • Inhibited when on diverging Flight Path or within 100 feet of selected MCP alt.

The green arc is back!


Github shows only the Readme file has been updated recently, version is still the same. How do we update this mod?

The version on the releases tab on GitHub is the stable release. What PlainCanvas was referring to was that it was added to the master branch (the “unstable” version). The unstable version can be downloaded by clicking “code” and download as zip. Keep in mind this version might have bugs and instabilities. Additionally, if you want to check what has been added to the master branch, you can click where it says “x commits”, x being a number. The readme that you are referring to shows up first on that list as that was the most recent change.

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Ah check. Got it.

Awesome work btw! Can’t wait for more :smile:

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Thank you!

Anyone else not able to switch from Mach to knots on AP? Also the magenta indicator is not accurate on the tape?

It’s a bug. Above a set altitude the AP automatically switches from Knots to Mach, which is fine. But on descent you can’t switch it back to Knots and as a result you cannot set a speed less than around 240 knots (mach 0.4) for approach.
The workaround is to assign a keybind to either ‘Set AP managed speed in mach off’ or ‘Toggle AP managed speed in mach’. This will switch the AP back to Knots.


I simply do not understand, I really want this mod to work. Every custom scenery, livery and aircraft are working properly but as soon as I instal a mod it does not work.

I place the Salty folder in my community folder, but it does simply not work. I do not see the extra features in the aircraft when loading them up. And there should be a salty custom menu in the FMC, and it is simply not there?

Any ideas.

Thanks in advance.

I’m not sure this is really the issue, but since MSFS has been updated with Patch #5, this might break some of the features of the Salty mod since it looks like the mod has not yet been updated for the current version of the Flight Simulator.

That’s just a guess though, I have a feeling that a lot of mods usually break once a new Flight Sim update has been launched and first need to be adapted to the new update.

I solved the problem, i flighted with it for hours yesterday night.

Here is the solution, do not touch “Mass and Balance” when setting up the flight. You can set up everything IFR, cruise altitude, registration etc., but do not touch “Mass and balance”. When i loaded the aircraft without touching it, the salty mod loaded successfully :slight_smile:

And once in flight you can edit the mass and balance as much as you want :slight_smile:

I will report this bug to the developer.

That’s odd - I didn’t know that the mass and balance input would actually change something about the mod’s functionality but if it works, it’s definitely something for the Mod creators to look into :slight_smile:

Yeah very odd. It is the first time I fly big airliners in this game, is it normal that the Autopilot is still so buggy and unstable?

The Autopilot Vertical speed works like crazy it keeps pitching up or pitching down, or am i doing something wrong?


I’ve had quite a lot of issues with the 747 in the past but the Autopilot seems to work better now with some of the more recent updates. Most of the problems I had with the crazy vertical speed seemed to occur when the plane is heavily loaded and I’m trying to climb too fast and too high. For some reason the simulation has trouble balancing the plane at cruising altitude and it keeps oscillating all the time.

The 787-X’s autopilot in MSFS seems to do a much better job of keeping the altitude. Which is also one of the reasons why I’m currently not flying the 747 a lot.

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Thanks for the answer man. Now i know it is not something wrong with my system. I think I will wait for a Third-Party developer (PMDG) to release propper Boeing aircraft for this game.

BTW: You are talking about the B787-XE mod, fixing a lot of autopilot issues for the 787?

I’ve only been using the Vanilla 787 so far and they’ve managed to make the autopilot fairly workable at this point, except for a couple of smaller issues.

The B787-XE mod sounds interesting though, will give it a try. Would be fantastic if they brought it to the same level as the A320NX flyByWire mod.

And yeah, regarding the 747 - I wouldn’t even exclude the possibility that there might be a way to avoid the oscillations with the right combination of weight, proper fuel control and using step climbing like actual pilots do. But I’m no real pilot and so far haven’t found a proper tutorial to figure this out :slight_smile: And I think the fuel controls in the 747 aren’t working properly, not even in the Salty mod.

HI all,
when I start the 747 salty mod in a parking position it does not move anywhere after starting all systems (parking break released) and buttons do not work any more except of FMC. It even does not show increasing thrust in the display.
When I start direct from Runway it works…
Has someone got an idea?

I’ll give it a try tomorrow, looks like the 747 Salty isn’t getting updated quite as regularly so maybe it’s also some kind of incompatibility with the latest MSFS version

I just tried the latest version of the Salty mod (0.1.0) with the latest version of MSFS and it seems to work just fine. No issues with starting up the engines or increasing speed on ground. I did a test-takeoff as well, no problems there.

What version of the Salty mod did you try? And did you follow a proper startup procedure?