Save / Load a Flight (including Flight Plan) - MSFS Flight Planner functionality

Agree. And being able to change time or weather of a loaded flight is needed too. Now if you load a flight, time and weather are locked to the saved state.

Iā€™d like to be able to build a large flight plan (cross country, around the world) with lots of waypoints. Then, during the trip, Iā€™d like to be able to stop and save my progress so that I can pick up where I left offā€“whether itā€™s in the air or where I last landed. And better granularity on the world map would help with selecting waypoints. Being able to enter and save a street address on the world map would be a nice touch, as well as a proper LAT/LONG to manually build and save waypoints.


You can save your flight mid-route, whilst airborne. Just hit pause, load/save, save your flight. When you return go to world map, load/save, load the flight you saved, and it should place your exactly where your left off, on the ground or in the air.

I havenā€™t done a super large flight plan, but I did save my route from KBOS to PHNL over the pacific, and it worked for me when I did the steps described above.

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would be nice when u go to reload ur flight plan that the time would continue to move forward in live time.

I have tried that, but autopilot was broken after I loaded the flight, and I could no longer adjust the time and had to stick with Live Time for some reason. Someone else saved while in flight, and when they loaded it later, they were on land and immediately crashed, or were on water and also crashed, so it doesnā€™t always save altitude.

So basically they just need to fix their in-flight save system.


Yes, and add an auto-save feature.

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Assume you import to planG v4 the Data from FS2020, when you make a plan use only existing waypoints (airports, vor, ndb, poi, intersections, etcā€™). It seems that FS2020 doesnā€™t recognize custom waypoints.
For example, if you load a flight plan contains an airport that is not listed in FS2020 data base, it will not upload.

Itā€™s known bug and not correct functionality. It must be solved to have joy with sim.

So i an experiencing the same Frustration of not being able to load a previous flight that includes the flight Plan After loading! By Reading different posts is interesting to read how creative some guys are in order to overcome this problem. However, this must be as simple as Saving a flight and then being able to load in the Same conditions (as all other Simulation games!) i Hope this issue will be solved in the near future!

I think they changed somthing in the patch.
Before Patch:
loading the flight from worldmap ā†’ you only have to press fly and you were in the airplain
After Patch:
loading the flight from worldmap ā†’ the flightplan ist loaded an showed in the worldmap. You have to press fly in the worldmap and when the flight is loaded.
I think this is the temporary solution (workaround) to load the flightplan in the navi of the airplain. All the autopilot settings wont be loaded actually. Settings like: FD, NAV, VS, Autothrottle and so onā€¦
ATC is completely broken after loading a save. No calls for ILS approach or other thingsā€¦

i hope the developers are working on this issue. This saving and loading flight works for some people and for other simply it does nop. I also tried to load a previous saved flight but after loading i had no flight plan. Very annoyingā€¦

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From my infos,

it works somehow on airliners but doesnā€™t work on GA. I recommend to every one if post some problems also post info about used aircraft because then is impossible help or share some solutions.

I would like to start my flight with a cold/dark aircraft. So, I start a flight, taxi to parking, and shut down the aircraft (all lights, avionics, alternators, batteries, etc.). Then I save the flight. Now restore the flight and what do I get? Everything is on an running. Is there a way restore the status of the aircraft exactly as it was saved?

According to the Zendesk, I reported this issue 24 days agoā€¦ Itā€™s listed as ā€œsolvedā€ but there are no comments, just like every other ticket Iā€™ve submitted.

I also filed another report for this bug with the flight plan not loading, so if you submitted one last month and I submitted one today, thatā€™s at least two!

Stauts Solved in ZenDesk means:
ā€œThe bug report has been handledā€”our team has recorded the bug in our internal bug and issue tracker. Please note this does not mean you will see the bug fixed in the next update , but has been recorded and prioritized accordingly.ā€
The bug is not solved in the game. They have accepted the bug and added in their internal bug tracking tool. In that tool the bug have a priority whitch can mean eg. ā€œvery un-importantā€. Solved in ZenDesk means nearly nothing about the time when they fix it in the game

When setting up a flight, if the user is flying the same aircraft as in their previous flight, we shouldnā€™t not have to reset things like fuel, passenger weight, failures, tail number, callsign, etc.

Iā€™ve been flying a 172 across the USA with a two to three hour leg each day, and itā€™s a bit annoying to have to change each of these parameters before every flight. Unless Iā€™m going to refuel and immediately takeoff again (and make the next legā€™s flight plan), thereā€™s no incentive to call for fuel or visit the pumps myself.

Additionally, none of the switchology remains after a flight and I find the G1000 172 loads with a poor excuse for a ā€˜cold and darkā€™ cockpit. The crossfeed valve, fuel cut off, and mixture are all prepared to fly/start engine rather than being set as if the aircraft was put to bed properly.

The logbook popup is a bit too aggressive as well, as itā€™ll come up as soon as I cut the mixture and kill the avionics buses, rather than the battery switch, prompting me to exit to menu before I have finished the shutdown checklist. Continuing the flight to finish the checklist leaves a bunch of useless 0:00 time logbook entries. Hell, disable the logbook popup entirely, as itā€™s just as easy to hit escape when weā€™re done flying. Itā€™s not like we get to fill out any erroneous info anyways; at least half my flights get recorded as 0 takeoffs and 1 landings.

I wholeheartedly agree with the premise of your wishes.

I totally understand that the ā€œstockā€ aircraft arenā€™t (and may well, never be) in the same league as A2Aā€™s fine products, but the one thing I miss is the persistency of the state and status of their aircraft from flight to flight and session to session.

The attention to detail exhibited in them makes the aircraft come alive. The ā€œstockā€ aircraft in MSFS 2020 are a major step forward from those provided in previous versions of the simulator and it has whetted my desire to have many of these finer details available to me.

So, where can I officially vote for your wish on the wishlist?

I have heard from forum posts on this and other websites that the flight plan associated with a flight doesnā€™t load when the flight is resumed after being saved. Is this true? If so, are there any plans to fix this? In the meantime, is there a workaround at all, such as manually re-inputing the flight plan waypoints into the FMS or GPS?

Yes, somehow the IFR flight plan is not activated after loading a saved game. Just ask ATC for itā€¦ et voilĆ .