Save / Load a Flight (including Flight Plan) - MSFS Flight Planner functionality

I would like to see an option for the sim to start where I left off, i.e. same airport, same ramp, same plane, same fuel level, same cockpit status.

I remember this was an option in previous versions of FS, and it is a very nice feature if you do a long trip with many stops over several days or months (like a round the world trip)

Does this option exist (and I simply overlooked it) or could it be added?


I believe it is there, but I haven’t used it.
Hit escape when ready to save.
On the menu bar at the bottom of the screen select “Load/Save”
Hit “Save” again in the pop-up.
It saves a .flt file which saves your flight conditions, and a .pln which is the flight plan.
Reload the .flt, not .pln when you want to start up.
Again I haven’t tried, but as far as I know, that works.

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That would be ace!! There is a save flight ability a the moment, but it doesn’t seem to save all of the details and in particular the weather is fixed after loading a saved flight. So, I’ve hardly ever used it. but I assume a more thorough save flight is the feature we need? Or are you thinking more along the lines of a general setting or option from the map screen to just carry on where you left the plane last session?

Either way would be very good features, so +1 from me

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I’ve used the save option in the past but in case of ctd or if I wanted to continue on next day after shutting down but have found 2 problems.When I come back to it ,I’m at the right spot but the flight plan has disappeared and the weather option is gone.Cant load new weather for that new time.Might just be me.

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I know I have had ctd in Bushtrips, and resuming the leg after crash starts back in position and state where it crashed. So there is obviously a mechanism to do this.
Would be nice to have a global option to turn on for all flights to save .flt or otherwise on ctd. Also an option to save when flying but still be able to alter flight (time / weather) like you can a .pln

You can use WAMA

Parked Fleet with WAMA - Flying / User Screenshot Gallery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I cannot find ‘CustomFlight’ inside my flight file. I am trying your second workaround. Any clue about that?

same happens if you just load the next flight (PLN) File on your destination! FMC will catch the new plan, but ATC and Systems are Buggy! No more Taxiway ribbon, no more AI ATC handling
 its currently not possible to start the next flight from the destination where you are! THis sucks

Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? NO

Brief description of the issue:

At the current state it is not possible to start a new Flight from the current Airbort (Destination) whre you are. I created a lot of PLN files for all my lovely Airborts step by step and also back to the one i started from. But if you landed on an airport to do a new boarding, it is not possible to load the next PLN to fly back! You can load the PLN but then ATC, AI ATC Handling, Taxiribbon is broken!

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Fly to Destination
Load new PLN where your current Airport is set as Start
Try to fly, Try to use AI ATC Handling

ATC wll not catch new PLN

PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

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How do you load a PLN file when reaching destination? It only allows FLT file to be loaded.
PLN can only be loaded when back in world map.

This has happened to me along with this added little feature. If by chance my flight plan DOES reload too, (which isn’t often) I also find I can’t access the weather to change it! VERY frustrating. You’d think Microsoft would have FULLY tested this product

Make sure you (and everyone) up vote this. It only has 53 votes at the time I write this. Also make sure a zendesk is submitted.

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Just type in *.* to see all files, then you can just load the plan itself and not the whole flight

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I am trying to recreate your issue. There are two flight plans. One starts at City A and ends at City B. The other starts at City B and ends at City A. For some reason the second flight plan doesn’t load or it doesn’t load properly?

I have had several flight plans that wouldn’t load at all. There weren’t any error messages, just no information loaded to start the next flight. It turns out there were problems with the flight plans that wouldn’t load. The files were corrupted, there were invalid characters, or the data was incorrect. I had to recreate the damaged flight plans.

I am not familiar with “new boarding”. Where is that in MSFS?

The second PLN from City B back to City A can loaded from Menu while your on City B. The Plan will also loaded into FMC (787-10) but ATC, Taxi, Altitudes, AI Control ATC and APP get messed up. It looks like the PLN will not load into all systems.

Have you tried swapping the plans? That is, start with the flight plan starting at City B going to City A. Do the problems you are having still remain? Then use the City A to City B flight plan. This helps to determine if the cause of the problems are in the flight plans or in the process of using the flight plans.

Also, how are your flight plans created?

Has enyone try this solution abowe. Does it work?

I may have isolated the root cause of CTDs when loading a flight (note this is a different issue than reported by @MagicalPug76CH in this thread).

I noticed that CTDs happen when you have a “USR” waypoint in the .FLT file. As far as I could see, “USR” waypoints will appear in [ATC_Aircraft.0] and/or in [ATC_ActiveFlightPlan.0] sections of the file.

I duplicated one .FLT that was resulting in CTDs and deleted the lines with “USR” waypoints in both sections above (you can edit FLT files in notepad since it is a pure text file). In addition to that, I renumbered the list of remaining waypoints (also in both sections) and changed the value for the parameters NumberofWaypoints and WaypointNext accordingly.

See below a picture that should help you understand what I did. File on the left is the original one, saved by MSFS and resulting in CTDs. File on the right is the one I changed and is loading fine.

. does not do anything as in that window it is force filtered to show FLT files only.

You need to type in *.* to see all files in a folder

The last entry for sample of an PLN file looks like this:

        <ATCWaypoint id="EDDM">
        <WorldPosition>N48° 21' 13.60",E11° 47' 9.92",+001450.00</WorldPosition>

But the ILS frequence will not set in COM/FMC.