Saveable bush trips

I didn’t see any option to save my progress on bush trips on their pause menu, would appreciate it if I could save the trip and return to it later, instead of having to start them again and never finish them (unable to spend eight hours at a time with ANY game, MSFS notwithstanding).

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A workaround is getting the FLT or the PLN File from Bushtrips’ folder and loading it up to take away the legs one has completed.

But generally speaking I also have never finished a Bushtrip officially due to not playing for such a long period of time. It’s found in the ‘official’ folder then just dig into the folder structure of the Bushtrip and one can find it.

One or two hour Bushtrips would also be a cool addition to the official activities in MSFS.


When you finish a leg of a bush trip make sure you come to a full stop (some bush trips require the parking brake to be applied). The sim will tell you that the leg is completed. You can then return to the sim at a later time and pick up the flight on the next leg. The game effectively autosaves at the end of each leg, there is no need to fly the entire route in one session.

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nice to know that, thanks :slight_smile: actually didn’t manage to finish any leg yet lol, so in-flight saving would be nice too :slight_smile:

I also never noticed the Bushtrips save after each leg, I feel dumb now.

But a save function midflight would also be cool, I agree.

I just had a CTD during the new world update 4 bush trip. And the game saved where I was in muffligste when I restarted it.

Maybe just try to quit one while you’re flying. Looks like there is a autosave feature

At the intro-screen of the bushtrip you can see how long it takes to complete each leg. If you click on each leg, you see info at the bottom-right and the aiport picture.

And as stated before: exit the runway and come to a full stop to get the LEG COMPLETED message.

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Unfortunately most of the answers don’t actually help because like a couple of the posts I need to be able to save ANYWHERE during the leg.
Some legs in the bush planes are way too long for my situation. I just don’t have two hours to get to the next airport. I have landed on a road in the hope it will respawn back there when I get back to the game. no luck.

On my computer and version of the game ( September 2021) It certainly does not save any leg in any place other than after a completion of the leg with landing at the required airport and usually only after application of the brakes.

I have several incomplete bush trips purely because I can’t afford to the prolonged time to get between airports.

Anyone have ANY ideas that actually work on saving between airports?