Saving & Loading Custom Views

Ohhhkay! Was not expecting that! Wow!!! That looks stunning :+1:

In File Explorer navigate to SimObjects\Airplanes for the plane in question, right click the Airplanes folder and Properties. In the first ‘General’ tab make sure Read Only is not checked.

After a bit of digging for you, seems you are not alone. Could be a new bug since SU11.

Maybe this will help (from link inside this topic): Custom Camera views not loading properly

  1. Go into Options > General > Camera (NOT the in-flight Camera Menu) and make absolutely sure that Height, Horizontal Position, and Zoom are set to 50! These are the global values and if they’re not set to default (50), all of your future custom views will not save correctly. This is probably a bug because it’s counter intuitive to apply global changes all over again when trying to save a view; but it is what it is.

  2. In Options > Controls, search for the command “VFR Pilot View Save” and assign a key binding. By default, this command is unassigned… I assigned it to Ctrl + Alt + V.

  3. Make a note of your controller assignments for “Reset Cockpit View”. Default is Left Ctrl + Spacebar and/or “F” (I also have it assigned to the trigger on my joystick).

  4. Load the aircraft of your choice and use the translation, look, and zoom controls to position the camera exactly where you want it. When you have what you want for a default view, press the “VFR Pilot View Save” binding assigned in step 2 (Ctrl + Alt + V in my case). Now, every time you press the “Reset Cockpit View” button(s), it will go back to this view and will NOT alternate to other intermediate views with subsequent presses… yay!

  5. Now that you have a default view defined, custom cameras may also be saved the same way using the associated key bindings… default is Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 0 to 9. These views are recalled using the corresponding “Load Custom Camera #” commands… default is Left Alt + 0 to 9

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to set individualized default and custom views for each aircraft you own.

  7. To save yourself a lot of pain… never, ever, EVER change the global settings in Options > General > Camera again… forget those settings even exist… they are evil !!!