Thank you so much for your contribution! However, I’d like to keep this thread focused on my own work. Would you mind starting a new thread to share your ideas? I appreciate your understanding and support!
Good morning,
You do so many updates that the video won’t be up to date
in no time
No worries, will do!
I’ll just post the link here as it is designed to be used alongside with your mod.
Edit : here it is
Any chance you could use some kind of OSM vector magic to delete vegetation from streets and railroad tracks?
This stuff is everywhere!
Also: Great to see this addon in the sim now!!
Yes, and they do look bad, but unfortunately, that’s outside my area of expertise.
Why not just share the work with Bijan for upstreaming?
@StevenPearce833 may be able to help you, or work with you (for railroads in some regions at least)
Or ask @mamuDesign for a tip — the ultimate expert in OSM Tricks!
Hello Bijan! First off, thank you so much for this incredible add on and the incredible support you give us. Any chance you can give the Dominican Republic some love? Noticing some fall colours that we wouldn’t get and tree height/size seems to be all over the place. Noticing mostly around airports that I usually fly like MDPC (super tall trees all around the airport), MDLR, MDSD, and MDCY.
Thank you! If I can provide any more info to help you out please let me know!
Hi there.
No problem. I will include these in next update 1.3.
Hi Bijan,
I wonder if you could have a look at Mt Wellington overlooking Hobart, Tasmania (my home) to see if you can improve things there? The PG in FS2024 is simply awful, with what is either rocks or PG trees on the lower slopes. By comparison FS2020 has trees on the slopes, as it should be.
There should be no large trees on the summit, mostly rocks with shrubs and bushes and small snow gums a little lower down, certainly no conifers. The lower slopes below the snow/tree line are dense with varied eucalypts.
Hobart’s photogrammetry area in FS2024 is a real mess, with horrible PG trees everywhere. It used to be really good in MS 2020. It would be great if you could clean it up.
FS2024 below:
FS 2020 Below:
The summit from above in real life:
Photos of Mt Wellington. Top one is the view from near my house (not my photo).
Photo I took of yacht that broke its moorings a few years ago, again, just below my house.
Those mountains do look awful. I will remove the PG on them in next update.
Thanks Bijan, you are as ever very helpful.
I checked the area and didn’t see any fall color trees. Can you email me a screenshot and exact location? Thanks
Hey Bijan! I realized the fall colours were related to a scenery I had installed and not your mod. You can disregard, my apologies!
Hello Bijan
Can you do something with your mod for this issue?
Really great work with your mod for MSFS 2024
Thank you
I did something similar with Southern California for 2020. I will do some test and see.
thank you, it will be amazing,
Switzerland is very ugly. You can try at LSGC airport.
Can you please look at the Phoenix metro area. 90% of the trees should be removed
Definitely. There are lots of areas that still need to be improved.