Seasons 2024 Enhanced - By Bijan - Released

While looking for data to manually edit french forest in SDK, I came across this map, from official french geographical agency. It uses a data pack that is open source and can be downloaded in a .gpkg file and used freely, even for commercial purposes.
Would that be possible to use this kind of data to make a nearly perfect reproduction of forests in the sim ?

Link here :

By the way, can you see on this map the large pink triangle in south-west of France ? This is Landes region. It’s covered with Pinus Pinaster and would need some love.

Unfortunately that’s not compatible or possible. The sim uses specific biomes and ecoregions.

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Hi, Bijan. When possible, could you make Madrid/Barcelona without PG trees? Great thanks

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It’s fun and easy to control and slow which is perfect for me as I only use it for work.


Added to the list. I will take a look and see how much can be removed.

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Checked out Vancouver, BC in 1.2 - I personally do not prefer having the PG buildings removed. Despite the trees looking better, overall the visuals were too patchy with the mix of PG and AG.

IMO PG blobs that can be removed should, but not if they will remove a building, with priority for the area surrounding handcrafted POIs (like Eiffel tower etc).

The non-pg vegetation changes and updates seem to have a much bigger impact overall.

Thank you for the feedback. But main buildings and high rises in downtown area weren’t removed.

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Hello Bijan,

Would it be possible to remove the trees I indicate on the pictures below.

Saint Malo in Brittany, France

Thank you


C-zembre-is-a-coastal-island-in-the-Bay-of-Saint-Malo Grand-Vid Ile-Harbour Map-Saint-Malo-Bretagne Pointe-du-D-coll Saint-malo-bretagne-france

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Hi there… No problem. :+1:


Bijan -

First, I’m very glad you’re back. Picked up both Seasons 2024 and Earth FX; very happy to give a worthy developer my money!

This is just a bit of an FYI: I noticed that (at least for me) in the SimMarket app, if you browse and filter by platform for 2024, Seasons 2024 does not appear at all in the product lists. It comes up if you search for it, and it certainly appears that you have the right tags on it, but it apparently is considered “MS2024 compatible”, and compatible-only apps will, it appears, ONLY display for the 2020 platform. (Where it’s currently the most popular add-on, mind you!)

I’m guessing that this is the SimMarket “slot” for the prior MSFS20 Seasons, just with a new name, a new version, and the new description with all the 2024 changes, which would be why it’s still showing up as a MSFS2020 product. I think that at the very least it should be considered both a 2020 and 2024 product, as it IS specifically tailored and upgraded for 2024.

I think you should probably get SimMarket to change/fix this, as I think you might lose customers if people looking for 2024 add-ons don’t check the 2020 category. (I certainly didn’t - I just filter on 2024 and see what’s there.) And that would be a shame for sure…


Thank you for letting me know. I did email them about it but apparently they haven’t fixed it. I’ll try again.

Thanks for your support.

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Vancouver PG and trees update 2 - in next update.


Yesterday I flew near the north cape in Norway and stumbled across some Italian conifers wich looked a little misplaced

Different trees. I don’t have Italian or cypress trees in Norway.

This is the pines in Norway, young and adult one:

This is Italian cypress which I don’t have in Norway. It is not the same tree as the one in Norway.

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I’m seriously considering to get this add-on, however I’d love to see a video comparison, or even review of a neutral person for it. Especially for regions that have gotten the “jungle treatment” in 2024, like the Canaries, Balearics or Greek Islands.

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I think Two Tone Murphy is planning to do a side by side comparison in one of his upcoming YT streams, might be worth keeping an eye out for that.

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Video should be done in few days. :slight_smile:


jeff favignano did a video of the bijan seasons and its awesome he has a youtube channel.

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Hello, I will be releasing today on my little mod (with lot of work) to correct and enhance Bijan’s seasons in south of France (see in this thread above for before/after screenshots)

Here are some more shots of new features

Pinus Pinaster (pin maritime) in Landes region

it was made with a huge polygon so the trees in town are a bit overgrown, as the polygon doesn’t differenciate towns and forests. I had to manually clean some of the main ones but there still some work to do.

Larzac et autres Grands Causses du massif central (Less trees, more pines)

Volcans de la chaine des Puy (more pines and mountain tops cleaning)
Puy de Dôme

Puy de Sancy

Olive plantations in Provence

Everything drawn by hand


Amazing that was quick, thank you…

Once you have free time do Curacao and Bonaire its close by (Neighbors)

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