Seasons 2024 Enhanced - By Bijan - Released

Hi Bijan.

I bought your product, many thanks for making this possible.

Do you also work on removing photogrammetry trees in cities around Germany?
Really bad is the city of Duesseldorf with its big airport EDDL. Maybe you can fix this too? Many thanks.



Hi bijan questions for future modifications are you able to create new biodomes? Or only able to modify them?

Would be awesome if you can create new biodomes for example the caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao we have cactus and kwihis and watapana trees which msfs doesnt have.

Just wondering if that could be achieve in future modifications.

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Cue Monty Python!

“Number one: The larch”

(sorry couldn’t resist!)


Hello Bijan,

With Fs2024 the watermask is much better than with Fs2020, but there’s still room for improvement.

Do you have the knowledge to fix/improve the watermask for Fs2024?

If so, would you have the project and the time to propose a mod ?

I’ll be the first to buy your mod if that happens.

See you soon

@Ziesel1106 Thank you. and welcome.
Yes I put that on the list.

@LAYER03 Hi, I do have few cactus plants and kowhai trees and something very similar to watapana trees.
I will look into the areas you mentioned and see what I can do.

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Version 1.2 released:

  1. Added coastline tree clearance in various parts of the world. If you notice any place where trees are too close to shores, let me know.

  2. UK update. Initially I extended the fall season by 30 days. I adjusted it to 20 days now.

  3. Removed some of the evergreen trees and bushes in the UK.

  4. Removed spiky photogrammetry from mountains in Bilbao, Spain

  5. Vancouver - As part of our ongoing effort to improve scenery, I’m removing photogrammetry trees. This process also requires the removal of all houses and some smaller buildings, as they are often merged with trees. Smaller houses and buildings will be replaced with auto-generated alternatives. Many of the original houses were poorly rendered anyway, with a “melted” appearance. To preserve the visual integrity of urban areas, I’ve avoided removing trees that are merged with high-rise buildings, as this would compromise their appearance. In some areas, I’ve taken a targeted approach, only removing photogrammetry trees that were of particularly poor quality compared to other areas. Feedbacks welcome.

  6. Los Angeles - Added palm trees to beaches and few of the streets.

  7. Los Angeles -Removed photogrammetry in west of San Fernando Valley, parts of Santa Monica and Santa Monica mountains and Hollywood hills. Ongoing process. Feedbacks welcome.

  8. Carson, NV photogrammetry trees removed

  9. Removed trees from Faroe Islands

  10. Added more conifer in Minneapolis, MN

  11. Cataline island trees updated.

  12. KCRW airport - removed photogrammetry from hills nearby

  13. Increased density in forest areas in Europe

  14. Replaced trees with bushes North-western Norway.

  15. Added Kaingaroa pine forest in New Zealand

  16. Fixed wrong trees in Milford Sound airport

  17. Queenstown, New Zealand Fixed wrong trees.

  18. Removed trees from Kerman - OIKK airport.

  19. Removed trees from OICC airport.

  20. Reduced pine trees and added more bushes in the Northern part of Norway.

  21. Fixed Bamboo forest in China that wasn’t showing up in the last update.

  22. Updated Desert areas in New Zealand

  23. Removed giant trees from Tokyo and Vancouver. Although I removed the huge trees, they keep reappearing from different locations. This is a Global issue that needs to be fixed by Asobo.

  24. Reduced tree density in eastern Australian cities.

  25. Larch trees added to the Alps mountains.


Full list of features:

  1. Southern Hemisphere - Added missing/wrong seasons in cities in the Southern hemisphere: Australia, New Zealand, South America, South Africa.
  2. Worldwide - Added missing spring blossoms to most cities.
  3. Worldwide - Reduced oversized trees and density in cities.
  4. Modified and enhanced trees in Scandinavian countries.
  5. Extended the fall season by 20 days.
  6. Removed Giant sequoia trees from higher mountains and updated trees.
  7. Removed palm trees from cities in following states: Washington, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee.
  8. Enhanced all deserts vegetarian.
  9. Added more color and depth to green trees.
  10. Reduced vivid colors from eucalyptus trees
  11. Added missing red color leaf trees to autumn trees.
  12. Reduced over populated trees in many areas.
  13. Added new seasonal bushes and scrubs.
  14. Removed most trees from Iceland.
  15. Removed all pine trees from shores and higher hills in Scotland and added pine plantations.
  16. Reduced excess trees from rural areas and replaced them with bushes in England.
  17. Enhanced Birch Forest in Norway. Moved away trees from water edges by a few feet.
  18. Redesigned Los Angeles to native trees, added palm, mexican palm, jacaranda and cypress trees.
  19. Added pine trees in Angeles National Forest in the Los Angeles area.
  20. Remove trees from higher elevation in Canary Island, Alps, Himalayan mountains, etc. and added more variety of trees.
  21. Enhanced vegetation in Greenland (removed most)
  22. Removed bamboo forest from cities in Japan.
  23. Fixed bamboo trees that would drop leaves in winter.
  24. Added more olive trees in Italy.
  25. Spain trees updated.
  26. Added red blossom Royal Poinciana trees in Hawaiian cities.
  27. Reduce pine tree sizes in Grand Canyon
  28. Added Shunan Bamboo Forest covering 46 square miles, Hundreds of millions of bamboo trees, covering 27 mountains and more than 500 peaks.
  29. Added Black Forest in Germany
  30. Added fern looking plants to New Zealand
  31. Elevation fix for New Zealand - Removed trees from top of volcanoes.
  32. Removed leftover trees from antarctica and arctic areas.
  33. Added more deciduous trees that change in fall season in the NorthEast USA.
  34. Removed pine forest from Texas.
  35. Iran trees updated
  36. Trees removed from shiraz.airport.
  37. Added palm and date trees to desert cities.
  38. Reduced trees in Greece.
  39. Better transition of trees from cities to outside cities
  40. Added missing banana trees, date trees, and coconut trees in some of the rainforests.
  41. Cyprus Island trees updated.
  42. Trees removed from Svalbard Islands.
  43. Added coastline tree clearance in various parts of the world. If you notice any place where trees are too close to shores, let me know.
  44. Removed spiky photogrammetry from mountains in Bilbao, Spain
  45. Vancouver - As part of our ongoing effort to improve scenery, I’m removing photogrammetry trees. This process also requires the removal of all houses and some smaller buildings, as they are often merged with trees. Smaller houses and buildings will be replaced with auto-generated alternatives. Many of the original houses were poorly rendered anyway, with a “melted” appearance. To preserve the visual integrity of urban areas, I’ve avoided removing trees that are merged with high-rise buildings, as this would compromise their appearance. In some areas, I’ve taken a targeted approach, only removing photogrammetry trees that were of particularly poor quality compared to other areas. Feedbacks welcome.
  46. Los Angeles - Added palm trees to beaches and few of the streets.
  47. Los Angeles -Removed photogrammetry in west of San Fernando Valley, parts of Santa Monica and Santa Monica mountains and Hollywood hills. Ongoing process. Feedbacks welcome.
  48. Carson, NV photogrammetry trees removed
  49. Removed trees from Faroe Islands
  50. Added more conifer in Minneapolis, MN
  51. Cataline island trees updated.KCRW airport - removed photogrammetry from hills nearby
  52. Added Kaingaroa pine forest in New Zealand
  53. Fixed wrong trees in Milford Sound airport
  54. Queenstown, New Zealand Fixed wrong trees.
  55. Removed trees from Kerman - OIKK airport.
  56. Removed trees from OICC airport.
  57. Reduced pine trees and added more bushes in the Northern part of Norway.
  58. Updated Desert areas in New Zealand
  59. Removed giant trees from Tokyo and Vancouver. Although I removed the huge trees, they keep reappearing from different locations. This is a Global issue that needs to be fixed by Asobo.
  60. Larch trees added to the Alps mountains.

I did a few watermasks back in 2021-2022. It depends on how large is the mask. Which areas are these?

Bijan, is the removal of PG trees optional? If I remember right, I think you said it was

Yes. If you do not wish to have that, simply remove:
vancouverPG.bgl to remove PG from Vancouver. And remove labushes.bgl to remove the one from Los Angeles.
These are in Scenery folder.


Uh, ok. As you said it was an ongoing feature, I thought it would be a switch to activate/deactivate.

Giant Avatar tree spotted in Kiel, Germany :smiley:


Just to confirm,
V1.2 now is just one folder to add to community, remove the previous two v1.1 folders?
Thank you my friend.

In southeast Spain, almeria coast, there are lot of trees close to water

Hello Bijan,

There are a few places along the French Atlantic coast :

Le Touquet
Baie de Somme
Baie du mont St Michel
Baie de Marennes d’Oléron

To choose from the list would be the Baie de Somme and Mont Saint Michel

I used this fix with FS2020, but since then I haven’t heard from the mod’s creator:

See you soon


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@Andylbooth Correct.

@ricdpm Noted .



“Pando” in central Utah, USA, is a forest of Quaking Aspen trees that is known as the world’s largest living organism. In MSFS 2024 it is simply another generic pine forest. It would be awesome to see actual aspen there.

Here are the Google Maps coordinates: 38.52664586252603, -111.75105421419295


THANK YOU for the upcoming removal of trees on the coasts


I wanted to delete the old version for this update but the fs-base-biomes folder was invisible again

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There is no fs-base-biomes in version 1.2.
Please use the old app in version 1 to uninstall the previous one.

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Welcome. Glad to be able to do it.
Next version will have a global fix on all shorelines.