Seasons No Longer “Started”

I hardly invalidated the argument by pointing out that addon compatibility was far from guaranteed based on the history of MS flight sims. But if you’re fine with guesswork in lieu of actual information, good for you. The rest of us appreciated getting confirmation from MS.

How come two 3rd party companies managed to do it then?


Two third parties managed to shade the terrain. They didn’t manage to adjust where the sun is in the sky. They didn’t manage to adjust temperature. There is more to seasons that just colorization of the ground and trees.

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seriously? The suns position changing through the year is already in the core of the sim and live weather already controls temperature, humidity etc, there are even presets if you want your own, Rain and snow again are already there it was only vegetation visuals that was set on summer and couldn’t be altered


I think it’s pretty naive to assume there wouldn’t be support just because it was not mentioned.

Then again, i keep my expectations low so i don’t get butt hurt and complain about it on the forums when i don’t get my way…

Really? Who?

And please don’t claim one is Bijan or else you’ll lose all credibility.


Bijan Seasons (abandoned now i think) and rex accuseason
why would i lose credibility when i dont have any and exactly why?


And there we have it. Bijan. He failed and went away.

Rex Accuseasons just adds different coloured trees, not seasons. They’ve tried to add full seasons and failed.


ive said this above what is full seasons? The weather, sun position is already handled it was only colours of ground and vegetation that were missing what else is there?


Bijan’s seasons, you selected which mod was going to be active. The season loaded had no correlation to what live weather was.


yes and accuseasons does the same but not all of us fly in the here and now using weather presets and bijan or rex you could fly any season, even setting time date will adjust sun position and stars


Not true. Bijan just made the ground look darker; Accuseasons does nothing but change the colour of trees. Seasons are not yet implemented by anyone.


Bijan didnt just make the ground look darker he altered the textures on the vegetation (though i was never happy with winter) the darker ground was an experimental thing he did , Rex does exactly the same though has more texture variations .
and again what is seasons then? tell me which part of seasons is NOT in the sim

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I’m setting fire to my PC in protest if those aren’t a thing in 2024.


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No. No No No No No. Rex only changes tree colours, it does absolutely nothing else. No textures changes whatsoever.

Even their website tells you that!!!

it changes tree colour yes Rex doesnt change ground cover that’s true.
the only part of seasons i can think of that’s missing is ground textures like crop fields changing but thats down to Bing imagary im not sure that could ever be made to change throughout the year

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Thank for admitting you’ve been posting untruths. We got there in the end.


I never posted untruths how dare you season is in Msfs 2020 if you open your eyes its kinda funny when i asked you what is seasons and what is missing you cant answer it you didn’t even know Bijan changes tree colour


That’s a third party addon, not default.

i know and in my very first post i said this.

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