Seemingly reduced building draw distance after SU5?

I just tried SF area, and man, flying over the SF Bay, both side of the shore is just BARE. Glad you are confirming I’m not going crazy over how cities are looking worse.
American cities are actually not the worst, since majority of the American cities are not skyscrapers everywhere for miles. Those low single family homes don’t kill the immersion that much. Try Asian or European cities, where cities are full of buildings, this thing looks absolutely garbage.
My RAM and VRAM usage both went down quite a bit compared to preSU5, I sure don’t mind if the engine actually USE my available system resources to give me a better visual experience…

I don’t mind the game tuning down some of the defaults for consoles, and I sure appreciate the multicore optimizations. But I feel like if I keep all my sliders at max as I do before, I definitely should not be seeing a visual downgrade. Ultra means Ultra. If that means losing a few frames, or gain less from the SU5, then that is my choice. Optimization should not mean turning down the visuals whether you like it or not.


Getting really poor pixelated draw distances too

They called it “Performance upgrade”, we call it “Visual downgrade” :wink:

Agree, there should not be a visual downgrade on Ultra… If I want to get more FPS, I choose High/Medium or even Low. Too bad, especially in VR it is a mess.

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Where this technique and limitation came from :shushing_face:

I have implemented the modifications recommended in this thread

For me it has improved my experience. Ive gone to LOD 5. This has not reverted the sim back to how it was, but it has ‘improved’ it some.

Ive still not been able to exit the sim without it crashing, there is still a ton of pop in, there is still areas of barren landscape in urban environments. All reasons why I havent done another full flight since I put the above post up.

Will have another go today and see how it pans out.

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