Separate terrain level of detail / draw distance sliders


Why I can’t see the Render Distance options in my sim? How do you get them to appear?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Here you can see that t-lod affecting drawdistance of trees. TREES setting limits the drawdistance.



Tlod 150 TREES=LOW

Tlod 400 TREES = LOW (as you can notice the terrain has much impact on CPU but not much difference on the terrain)

As seen on that debug window.

We could have sliders for only trees:
Tree drawdistance 4,1-21,8KM or even more if possible (not much effect on CPU)
Tree density 60-100%
Tree detail LOW-ULTRA

Same thing with buildings:

Buildings drawdistance
Building detail

Difference of t-lod in mountains is more noticable.


t-lod 200

T-lod 400

But i would be happy to set t-lod 10 and trees and buildings at 21,8KM with lower fps impact.

Edit: when i compared t-lod 200 and 400 the textures looked better in 200 tlod.


as long as mountain shapes were fine, and bing streaming quality was high.
I wouldn’t mind LOD100 or less honestly.

Asobo just HAD TO link it in 1 slider making it so messy.


I’m not 100% sure but i think when we set t-lod 10 for example the system don’t know where to place trees on the textures. We would see trees placed in wrong locations.

When we set t-lod 400 the system calculates where to place trees on those textures = higher CPU usage because more calculations are made at the same time.

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Same with night lighting / lamps, to make the light visibility somewhat realistic, LOD 400 is required. But there’s no reason in the world to render everything else at 400, since it’s night, and not visible… Separating object-vegetation draw distance, terrain, and lights, from the single slider would do wonders for the performance.


yeah it would be great if we had more free control over what we want to draw further.
so we can strike a balance of performance and visuals to our liking instead of making everything look worse with a singular slider.


If separating out the various terrain draw distances won’t happen for MSFS2020, then I desperately hope it will for MSFS2024.

Having nearly everything tied to the TLOD slider is a backward step from what we had in previous Microsoft flight sims and a massive restriction on users whose PC setups can support higher quality in closer LODs.


As for the regression in satellite textures from the highest available quality at TLOD 200 (described here), this is another issue that can only be addressed by separate terrain draw distance settings.