September 10th, 2020 Development Update

That will depend on if the issue is resolved, update just means a update.

They have a top problem list why didn’t they elaborate on if the update does in fact fix the problem?

Looking forward to see what’s coming especially the terrible stutters


So … have you not bought software in the last 20 years?


You can already do that

Promising. Hope to see some proper performance fixes! Cheers!

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you should’nt have to have this mode enable to access such basic feature though

Thanks, this sounds awesome!

Maybe, but it works pretty easily. Have you raised it on the forums and with Zendesk? Not noticed it i n the wishlist voting.

This 2nd patch sounds great ! Can’t wait to see all the improvement it brings. :ok_hand:t2:


Yes Xplane for instance since 10 and it was working fine since the beginning

So excited for this patch!

Me too-the 2nd patch will be awesome especially with avionics and system improvements!

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Must be the one update Carenado traditionally gives their aircraft after release.

SOP: Sell aircraft, fix a few glaring issues, then move on to the next release.

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What?! lol! people are still having issues until this day…Funny


Is 10 days up yet?! Lol can’t wait


I wonder if there is a way to clean up the vote logs as the devs are clearly patching based on feedback which is AWESOME! Looks like they’ve pretty much tackled most of the top requests. Glad they are addressing some of the must have’s for the IFR VATSIM enthusiasts with some of the airlines avionics. Still no word on NAVBlue or Charts+, but hopefully that comes real soon.

Define “clean up the vote logs”. We can lock/archive a thread which stops it from getting more votes.

This looks promising. I’ve maintained faith that you guys have been working diligently and will continue to do so in the future. Cheers.

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Top vote need to be updated frequently as well, this one below is on the top 11, but do not appears on the MSFS web site as top vote yet. This issue is the LOD from high altitude and distance on terrain.
Ground texture - Low resolution - Internet incorrect Bandwidth


Exactly, I was involved in some debates about this exact argument but people can be impatient

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